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Housing Category

Memorial 4. We rock!

Nov. 5, 2013—The concept of living and learning on Commons as first year students is real. Yes it works. Throw a bunch of ambitious men and women in a house together and watch how they grow, learn and have fun. Living on Memorial 4, I’ve been a part of so many things that I thought were bigger...

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Towers Dinner Date

Oct. 27, 2013—About a month ago, my roommate and I discovered a note on the door to our suite. It was written in calligraphy and printed on fancy paper and invited our whole suite to dinner.

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The First Five Things I’ll Do At Vandy

Aug. 20, 2013—I’m very excited to head back to school after making many fun memories over summer vacation. I even wrote a blog post about the five things I needed/wanted to do before leaving home since as Dorothy says: “there’s no place like home”. ;) In the same vein, I wanted to write a blog about the first five things I’m going to do upon my return to Nashville..

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Moving in for the Last Time

Aug. 15, 2013—Today, my dad and I left Miami Beach bright and early. We were planning to drive to Chattanooga and spend the night there before picking up my mom and sister at the airport early Friday morning. As it turns out, we were in Chattanooga by 4:30 PM and we decided to drive the final two...

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Tax Free Weekend: Round 2

Aug. 5, 2013—It's that time of the year in Tennessee when everyone is out shopping trying to save a few dollars where they can. If you go back to this time last year, you'll find that I participated on the retail side of Tax Free Weekend shopping for the first time with MacAuthority.

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A Walk Through Brevard

Aug. 5, 2013—Hello! It’s the last day of Brevard, and I thought I might take a walk with you down the main road, Andante Lane, and reminisce a little, because yes indeed the weeks at Brevard have just flown by and it's just a week 'til I return home to Nashville!

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Suite Escape

Jul. 29, 2013—This past week, Chattanooga became the destination for a few of Vanderbilt's finest.

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Summer Celebrations!

Jul. 17, 2013—Last Tuesday was the day after my dear friend Rachel-Chloe's birthday. Since her family was in town for the actual day, Caitlyn and I decided to throw a birthday bash for RC the day after--and we were sure to do it in style.

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The Commons Explained

Jul. 14, 2013—So, when I was a freshman, housing assignments were mailed on August 1st. We received a packet with our house, room number, room mate and details about the move-in process. Apparently, this year, students could log into their meal-plan selection and figure out which their house. I am sure that this has created quite the buzz on social media, so here is a little bit about all ten houses on the Commons that will hopefully ease some anxieties.

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Priyanka’s Packing Picks

Jul. 10, 2013—Has the dorm-shopping craze hit your town/stores/formerly-sane friends yet, first years? Well if it hasn't, it sure will soon, and as my mother always says, "the early bird gets the worm"— that is, until the worm is restocked by Bed Bath & Beyond. Then you not-so early birds can get one too. Anyways, here are a few of my essentials so you eager-beavers can get started shooting those scanning guns and pillaging your local home goods stores. Enjoy!

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