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Nashville in the Summer

Aug. 9, 2019—Happy August! Sadly, school is about to start again for me and many of you guys, too! However, I’m excited to be returning to Vanderbilt for my fourth, and final, year. I currently have a lot of mixed feelings about my senior year, which I will try to formulate into a blog post later. On...

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A weekend of festivities

Apr. 24, 2019—Though we have just entered finals season, this past weekend was fun and eventful. At the intersection of so many different holidays and celebrations, events throughout the weekend provided many ways to de-stress and enjoy the diversity in culture on campus. Regardless of individual culture or religious affiliation, the best part of campus culture is...

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Spring break on the horizon // rain pls stop thx

Feb. 24, 2019—We are officially one week away from Spring Break, marking the halfway point of the semester! Most, if not all, students seem quite ready for this break, especially since teachers seem to pile on assignments and tests for this time of the semester. It will definitely be nice to have a break from regular academics,...

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Myths about Vanderbilt

Apr. 10, 2018—First off, congratulations to the incoming Class of 2022 on recently being accepted to Vanderbilt! At this point, you are probably trying to make your final decision on where to attend college. So, to help make your decision a little easier, I have written this post debunking various myths about Vanderbilt that my own classmates...

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Not quite Sweater Weather

Dec. 4, 2017—One of my mottos: Why be inside when you can be outside? Call it global warming, climate change, the South, etc., it’s hard to not enjoy this weather. Although we are in December right now, it feels more like October. Temperatures have been in the 60s and 70s, cooler in morning and evening but warming...

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Walking in a Winter Vandyland

Jan. 20, 2016—It’s that time of year again–the temperatures are dropping, the squirrels have ballooned to nearly comical levels of chubby, and the University is sending out its email about the dangers of hypothermia on an open campus. Yes, folks, it’s officially–drumroll, please–Nashville Winter! Now, listen. I’m from Jackson, Mississippi. We don’t do “winter” in the prototypical...

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One Big High: Work Hard, Play Hard

Oct. 11, 2015—My family would often play a game called High-Low. If you haven’t heard of it, what you do is go around and have everyone says his or her “high,” best part of the day and “low,” worst part of the day. Well, my low for the weekend was that at the concert I went to...

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Spontaneous Snow

Jan. 30, 2015—Happy new year! Okay, so I’m a little late. I apologize for having not blogged in a while; I’ve been so busy and so many different things have happened over these first few weeks of the semester, I’ve barely had time to catch my breath. But that’s a good thing. Last semester was amazing but...

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Curd Your Enthusiasm at “The Bloomy Rind” (Sorry for the Cheesy Pun)

May. 9, 2014—This guest blog was written by the illustrious Dave Bruns, my peddling partner to "The Bloomy Rind," an artisan cheese shop in East Nashville. We biked a long whey, almost ten miles back and forth, for our midday meal due to our infatuation with cheese. His witty writing is quite gouda, so maybrie you too will become enraptured by his tale of our quest for mouth-watering goodness.

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Cheers from Chattanooga

Apr. 11, 2014—My friend A., who lives in Atlanta, didn't want to drive four hours to Nashville and I didn't want to bus it four hours to Atlanta, so we chose a halfway point: ChatChat, as I fondly call it.

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