Walking in a Winter Vandyland
It’s that time of year again–the temperatures are dropping, the squirrels have ballooned to nearly comical levels of chubby, and the University is sending out its email about the dangers of hypothermia on an open campus. Yes, folks, it’s officially–drumroll, please–Nashville Winter!

Now, listen. I’m from Jackson, Mississippi. We don’t do “winter” in the prototypical sense. I legitimately don’t own a coat suited for weather below about 40 degrees. So, when I woke up this morning to find the ground dusted with a centimeter of powder, I was understandably ecstatic.
Word on the street is that we’re supposed to get six inches of snow on Friday. Whether that’s true or not, I have no idea–I literally just heard somebody say it in Rand last night while I was in line for tortellini Tuesday and got really excited and have refused to believe that it was anything other than gospel truth. Surrounding schools had classes cancelled today, but not us–Conquer and Prevail, as they say. Who knows, though. Maybe we’ll have a repeat of #snowpocalypse2015 and have two days off. Maybe the entire city will shut down again, leaving us in a slushy desert with no available food in sight except for Commons. (Commons, you’re the real MVP.)
I’ll be sure to keep you all posted on how Vandy responds to this apparent impending weather disaster–will we have enough salt for the bridges? Will the squirrels finally decide to follow the birds south for the winter? Will I ever buy a coat that has any weather protecting qualities at all?
Stay tuned.