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An End to 4 Years of Football

Dec. 1, 2014—With Vanderbilt’s last game of the season against Tennessee, it capped the last football game of my undergraduate career. Sure, by the end of the Tennessee game, I was bitter that we had not finished the season with a win, losing by a narrow margin of 7 points. But, it was time for the season...

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There’s Always Next Year

Nov. 22, 2014—As a Titans fan, this seems to be our motto that we have adopted. I guess it’s not as bad as being a Jags fan but its just as bad. The other day, the Titans played the Pittsburg Steelers where we gave up a substantial lead and almost surely knocked ourselves out of any chance...

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Southern Things That Seem Scary (But Actually Aren’t)

Sep. 28, 2014—For many of us, coming to the South is like visiting a completely different world. But take it from a California kid: it's not as scary as you might think. Actually, it's kind of amazing.

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Rising from the Ashes

Sep. 14, 2014—Last night, the Vanderbilt Commodores rose from a slumber and rose from the ashes… like a majestic phoenix. The past two weeks have been tough. Back to back blowout losses with no light at the end of the tunnel. The future looked dark, with no quarterback to lead us to victory. But then, from the...

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A Difficult Transition

Sep. 10, 2014—There’s a burning sensation in my heart and I don’t think its because I just took a Biochemistry exam. No, this is the kind of heartache that you go to see a cardiologist about. These deep pains originate from the one thing I love: Vanderbilt Football. The past two weeks have been rough. Actually, calling...

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Final Traditions

May. 6, 2014—As I mentioned in a previous post (better late than never, right?) second semester holds quite a few of my favorite Vanderbilt traditions. Two that I haven't talked about yet are Rites of Spring and the annual Black and Gold game!!

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Its Spring Time

Apr. 14, 2014—There is only one proper way to know if it truly is Spring time and it doesn't involve staring at a Grounhog to know when its time. No, there's a much better way. Spring Football. Obviously, if there is an event called SPRING football, it must signify that it is Spring time. This past weekend, we officially started Spring.

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A little bit of England in Nashville

Mar. 17, 2014—Hidden in one of the many alleyways of Downtown Nashville, there exists a small pub where soccer fanatics can gather to experience a proper match-day experience.

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New Dores on the Block

Feb. 10, 2014—After a last minute scramble due to unforeseen circumstances, Coach Mason was able haul in a total of 22 men to make the greatest decisions of their lives: to attend Vanderbilt University.

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The Chosen One

Jan. 21, 2014—On the 17th of January 2014, Vanderbilt Football named Derek Mason as the 28th Head Coach of Vanderbilt Football. With this hire, Vanderbilt started the Mason era and the campus is buzzing with high hopes and lifted spirit.

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