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Welcome to Smashville!

Nov. 16, 2015—GO PREDS!

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Nashville Nights & Stunning Sights

Oct. 21, 2015—Hey everyone! As some of my fellow bloggers have already mentioned, last week was Fall Break (which was definitely much needed–and appreciated–after a hectic few weeks of midterms and papers). Seeing as going home to England was just a little bit too far away for a four-day break, I decided to spend Fall Break having a...

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Moving on from The Commons

Sep. 29, 2015—But really, do I have to leave Commons? Can't I just stay a freshman forever, please?

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Farewell, Freshman Year!

Apr. 21, 2015—All the feels.

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Roommate 102

Apr. 11, 2015—For most incoming freshmen, the idea of living with a roommate for the first time is a daunting prospect. After all, you’re going to be sharing a room with a complete stranger for the next nine months! Coming from England, where most college students live in single rooms, I was particularly apprehensive about the roommate...

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Spring Break Adventures

Mar. 15, 2015—Hey guys! As a Vanderbilt student, there are so many different ways to spend your Spring Break. You could participate in Alternative Spring Break (ASB), travel abroad, go hiking with the Outdoor Rec, join a service trip or just stay on campus and explore Nashville’s hidden gems. For me, as an international student from England,...

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Spontaneous Snow

Jan. 30, 2015—Happy new year! Okay, so I’m a little late. I apologize for having not blogged in a while; I’ve been so busy and so many different things have happened over these first few weeks of the semester, I’ve barely had time to catch my breath. But that’s a good thing. Last semester was amazing but...

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First Semester Highlights

Dec. 17, 2014—A look back at some of the highlights from my first semester at Vandy

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Freshman Engineering: ES140 Modules

Dec. 16, 2014—Hey guys! Having just finished my first semester as a Vandy engineering major, I think this is the perfect time to talk a bit more about the School of Engineering and freshman engineering at Vanderbilt. I’ve received emails from some of y’all asking about my experiences so far so I hope that this blog post...

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Thankful for Thanksgiving

Nov. 30, 2014—A few things I'm thankful for this Thanksgiving...

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