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Here’s the Scoop on Visions

Oct. 21, 2015—Free ice cream!!

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Kappa Kappa Gala 2015

Oct. 21, 2015—It's that time of the year again..... KAPPA KAPPA GALA. From experienced ballerinas to doubly left footed beginners, the members of the Kappa sophomore pledge class came together once again to raise money for TAP, RIF, and Paso a Paso.

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Escaping the Vander-bubble

Oct. 18, 2015—Nashville has a ton to offer, and it's always worth the effort to get off campus once in a while and explore.

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Fall Break Adventures!

Oct. 17, 2015—Fall Break at Vandy, including waterfalls and vineyards. Going away for a break can be exciting, but so can staying in Nashville!

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Oct. 15, 2015—An intro to my first few months at Vandy!

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A “Typical” Weekend

Oct. 15, 2015—I don't even know what to expect from my weekends anymore, but a little surprise never hurt anyone.

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All Roads Lead to Rome (& Vanderbilt)

Oct. 15, 2015—Whether its Rome or Vanderbilt, a good tour can make all the difference.

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One Big High: Work Hard, Play Hard

Oct. 11, 2015—My family would often play a game called High-Low. If you haven’t heard of it, what you do is go around and have everyone says his or her “high,” best part of the day and “low,” worst part of the day. Well, my low for the weekend was that at the concert I went to...

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Dance Dance Dance

Oct. 11, 2015—All I've been doing lately is dancing. And I couldn't be happier.

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Run for the Hills (There Are LOTS of Them)

Oct. 8, 2015—“I can’t tonight, I have a long run tomorrow.” Since this semester started, pretty much everyone I ever hang out with has gotten the above sentence in response to a suggestion to do something fun and exciting and non-sweaty on Friday nights. “Booooo-riiiiing,” they cry. “Do less,” they snort, with an understandable amount of derision at the prospect of me choosing to forgo a party just to wheeze and chafe my way through a three-hour cross-country slog at 7am.

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