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Speakers Category

Shortlist of Gratitude

Dec. 3, 2019—Now that Thanksgiving break has come and gone, and we are in the calm before the storm that is finals season, I want to express some appreciation for things that make life sweet! It’s important to not lose sight of the bigger picture that is the wonder of life, even when school becomes a hectic...

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Homecoming 2018

Oct. 29, 2018—Homecoming was roughly two weeks ago, but I definitely had an exciting weekend. Here’s a recap of Homecoming 2018 at Vandy!   On Monday, Vanderbilt Programming Board hosted Daymond John from Shark Tank in an evening speaking event. The event was completely free, and he gave very inspiring advice about how to successfully achieve your...

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Send us yo questions (yo)

Jun. 23, 2017—Email your questions about anything, because we know it all (obviously). :) Even if we don't, we can always find someone who does.

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Humans of Vanderbilt

Oct. 5, 2016—If you didn’t know this already as a dedicated Inside Dores reader, Vanderbilt is a pretty cool university. And one of the best things about being a cool, or at least well-known university, is that when the Vanderbilt Speakers Committee asks famous people to come talk to us, they actually agree to come. A prime...

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Mar. 20, 2016—  “If someone from admission was here to take a picture of this room for the brochure, they would.” The truth is that no matter how diverse a university brochure is, it never truly tells the multi-layered story of each 1,600 person Vanderbilt class. Each student comes from a racially and geographically diverse background. Falling...

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VPB: Speakers Committee

Jan. 29, 2016—There are literally hundreds of student organizations on campus, and one of the biggest ones is the Vanderbilt Programming Board or VPB (Vandy loves its acronyms). VPB is an umbrella organization of smaller committees such as Homecoming, Speakers Committee, CityVU, The Music Group, The VenUe, and Vandy Fanatics. This past week, I attended a Speakers...

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Paper Airplanes and Solar Sails: Engineering Day 2015

Dec. 5, 2015—Christmas came early for us lucky souls in the Engineering School. After months of hair-pulling caused by programming assignments and circuit designs, I received an email with a bright blue flier attached from the Engineering Council. “The Engineering Council presents: Engineering Day 2015!” Imagine my excitement. A date matched only in anticipation by the new Star Wars premiere!

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“Yo Zeppos” – An Evening with the Chancellor

Nov. 8, 2015—As we get closer and closer to the end of this semester, the Vanderbilt Visions program is coming to a close as well. Visions is a great way to bring people from different backgrounds, who might not have met each other on their own, together. My VUceptors, Bill and Melissa, are so supportive and welcoming,...

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Vanderbilt Greek Week 2015… Explained

Oct. 8, 2015—For one week, the Vanderbilt Greek community comes together to participate in community service, hold intellectual conversations, and meet new people. This week is much more than an opportunity to complete your Greek Experience tab, it's actually an awesome opportunity to experience the Greek community outside of your chapter. Read on to learn what Greek Week really is and where you should be to participate.

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I Spy the Science Guy

Oct. 9, 2014—You may think it would take a hot musician or a superstar actor to garner a full house of Vanderbilt students, but all it really takes is a little bit of science.

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