School’s Out!
Jan. 7, 2014—Can you believe it? Neither could we: Vanderbilt cancelled classes yesterday!
Inside Inside ‘Dores
Dec. 23, 2013—Everyone has their own blogging style. Some write directly on WordPress, others write a draft on Microsoft Word and then copy-paste their final draft, and some do a combination of the two before they click "Publish." I, for one, occasionally peek in on others' saved drafts just to get a sneak preview of what the other blogger's vibe might be. And maybe sometimes, I may or may not leave a comment.
More Fun Than I Thought Possible: Fall SPOTS (Part 2)
Dec. 19, 2013—Time to resurrect Fall Break. It's entirely appropriate. I started this post over (Thanksgiving) Break, but I'm thinking back to (Fall) Break because we are currently on (Christmas) Break. Break on Break on Break. There was some major awesome that happened on the missions trip to St. Louis. Ashlin covered Part 1, so here's to Part 2!
Performing at the Ryman
Dec. 19, 2013—My friend E. had sent me an email asking me whether I was still in Nashville on December 11-12, and due to Finals, I replied with a yes. She then asked me whether I would be interested in playing a show. Of course! I can't believe that my first ever non-classical music performance was for Andrew Peterson's show "Behold the Lamb of God"!
Silent Light
Dec. 9, 2013—Actually, it really wasn't silent at all. And that was a far-fetched play on words. So really, the title is pretty silly. Oh well. This blog post is about lovely lights. The Gaylord Opryland Resort puts up the most elaborate, festive lights every winter, and these twinklings made my friends and I pretty jolly.
DIY Red Velvet Cake Balls
Dec. 7, 2013—At Starbucks, these treats are $1.50 a pop. I can only longingly gaze at them through the glass. But these irresistibly delightful sweets are surprisingly simple to make on your own and are perfect for gifts both for friends and professors alike. Here's a step-by-step guide, complete with commentary, to assembling your own tantalizing gourmet cake balls on a budget.
The Epic Airplane Saga
Nov. 26, 2013—“Houston, we have a problem.” At least, that is what I was thinking yesterday.
The Break Begins
Nov. 24, 2013—Remember how much I was looking forward to Thanksgiving Break in my last post? Not to say that it's all completely over, but I've taken the past couple of days to wear my polar bear pajama pants and relax.
The Thanksgiving Scramble
Nov. 18, 2013—It is Monday. This is my list of things to do: Time to freak out. Not. This week, the week before Thanksgiving Break, is probably the worst week of the fall semester. It doesn’t help that there is only week after Thanksgiving before Finals start. Scary, scary times. How do you combat this feeling of...