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‘Student Life’

A Nashville Concert Experience

Feb. 18, 2020—Your Vanderbilt experience isn’t complete if you didn’t venture downtown Nashville for a concert at least once! With places such as the Ryman, Ascend Amphitheater, the Grand Ole Opry, and the Basement, there are a plethora of amazing concert venues. I thought I would talk about my most recent concert experience which was last Monday! I’ve...

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Graduation: Thoughts and Feelings

Feb. 3, 2020—As a senior, I spend roughly half of my waking hours thinking about how much I’m going to miss Vanderbilt and how imminent graduation feels. I don’t think this is an uncommon sentiment among seniors, but I thought it would be nice to reflect a bit on my thoughts and feelings as my time at...

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Looking Ahead in 2020

Jan. 2, 2020—I can’t believe next spring will be my last semester at Vanderbilt!! Time has really flown by and it’s bittersweet that I have to say goodbye to Vanderbilt and Nashville in May. I’m trying to make most of my last semester, so here are several events in the spring that I am super excited for:...

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Nov. 29, 2019—Probably one of my favorite things at Vanderbilt is that we get a week-long Thanksgiving Break! At this point in the semester, I know I’m almost on the verge of burning out and this break always comes at a much needed time to (mostly) relax for an entire week and spend time with family and...

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Vanderbilt Outdoors Club

Sep. 15, 2019—Vanderbilt has a unique club called Wilderness Skills (WilSkils), which offers student-led outdoors trips every weekend. I just got back today from a climbing trip in Jackson Falls, IL. This was my second WilSkils trip and both experiences have been great! The best part is that you do not have to sign up for the...

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A Year in Review

May. 31, 2019—Hi! I made my decision to attend Vanderbilt a year ago this month. It’s crazy to think about how much has changed in that time frame. This decision really did change my life, which is something I often remember my high school teachers threatening us with. In all honesty, they were trying to make us...

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Organizing a big event

May. 6, 2019—I recently took on a new role on the board of an organization on campus. I went from Health & Beauty chair to Public Relations Chair. Therefore, my responsibilities and the amount of emails I receive has increased, especially because we hold our biggest event in the spring. We had to get food catered, book...

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Springtime Fun

Apr. 5, 2019—Happy Friday! Springtime is finally here in Nashville. The cherry blossom trees are finally blooming and campus is starting to look gorgeous after a bleak, rainy winter. Even though I’ve been super stressed about all my final projects and assignments, here are a couple super cool events that are coming up this month in celebration...

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Why Vandy?

Mar. 29, 2019—When I visited Vanderbilt my junior year of high school, I had no idea this was where I would end up. After touring and learning about many other universities, by senior year of high school I was set on coming to Vandy. Here are some reasons that I knew either from the get go or...

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Summer 2019 Plans

Mar. 25, 2019—If you’ve been following this blog for a while, you’ll know that I post updates each year on how I’m planning to spend my summer break. This year is a bit different. I still have some plans, but after three years of hard work, my main plan for the summer is to REST. With the...

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