‘social life’
If you’ve decided what college you’re attending…
May. 1, 2019—Why a "Happy Monday" picture? Because Mondays are like the college process: seemingly stressful but then AWESOME. Post features things you could do if you wanted to now that you've DECIDED! applicable to any college :)
A weekend of festivities
Apr. 24, 2019—Though we have just entered finals season, this past weekend was fun and eventful. At the intersection of so many different holidays and celebrations, events throughout the weekend provided many ways to de-stress and enjoy the diversity in culture on campus. Regardless of individual culture or religious affiliation, the best part of campus culture is...
Why Vandy?
Mar. 29, 2019—When I visited Vanderbilt my junior year of high school, I had no idea this was where I would end up. After touring and learning about many other universities, by senior year of high school I was set on coming to Vandy. Here are some reasons that I knew either from the get go or...
Surviving Rand at Noon
Jan. 23, 2019—It’s Monday afternoon, it’s 12:10 PM and your second class of the day just ended, and like any other college student- you’re starving. So, what do you do? You head to Rand with the hundreds of other students that just got out of class; ready to grab some food and hang out with your friends....
Free Time (& Loneliness) in College
Jan. 10, 2019—Surprisingly, one of the hardest adjustments for me when I came to Vanderbilt was the large amount of free time you have in college. Of course, Vanderbilt is a tough school but that does not mean that I do work all day every day. Especially freshman year, many of my friends and I had tough...
Top Three Moments of Fall 2018
Dec. 28, 2018—Without a doubt, this semester has been very busy for me academically and socially. However, those late nights of studying and weeks where I was constantly on the go definitely paid off in the end! After reflecting on my semester, here are my top three favorite moments from the semester (in no particular order, of...
Life as a First Generation College Student
Oct. 14, 2018—Hey everyone! My name is Toby, and I’m a first generation sophomore student here at Vandy. I am in Peabody College, studying child development and Psychology. Outside of class, I work as an undergraduate research assistant in the Little Learner’s Lab, am secretary of our first-year Honor Societies (Alpha Lambda Delta and Phi Eta Sigma),...
Back to Black {and Gold}
Aug. 27, 2018—Though I moved in a week ago, and classes started just last Wednesday, it feels like I’ve been at Vandy for a much longer time, while also not realizing how fast it all goes by. At the same time it feels like I’m still at the beginning, but I also feel much more experienced since...
Things I Learned After One Year at Vandy
May. 9, 2017—You’re going to study a lot more than you ever did, but then you’ll have more fun than you ever did The laundry room is an unexpected but great place to make friends It’s ok to not end up best friends with your roommate Ask for cracked eggs in the commons omelette line But if...
Apr. 26, 2017—I had a big anniversary that snuck up on me a few weeks ago. No, it was not with a romantic partner — it was with Vanderbilt. On April 13, 2015 (which forever be kept in my mind because it also happens to be my brother’s birthday), I got a warm and personalized acceptance e-mail from...