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10 Things I Learned Freshman Year

May. 31, 2019—Now that I’m home and all my belongings have been unpacked (I know, you’re probably thinking ‘what took you so long to unpack?’ – let me tell you, unpacking is my biggest enemy), I can officially say that my first year of college is complete. Done. Finished. OVER.   That’s quite a scary thought to...

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A Guide to Picking a Roommate

May. 30, 2019—Picking a roommate can be a daunting task. Sometimes picking a roommate can feel like speed dating. Whoever you pick is someone that you will be cohabitating with for the whole year, and for many people, it is their first time sharing a room with someone else. While it is true that you don’t necessarily...

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How to Find a Roommate 101

Dec. 21, 2017—If you know me, you probably know that my roommate and I are attached at the hip. We’re always laughing together, and we just get each other. I thank the universe all the time to have blessed me with a roommate who is one of my closest friends. I know a lot of incoming freshmen...

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Random Roommate: Then and Now

Nov. 11, 2015—My reflections on deciding to room with a total stranger my first year of college.

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Oct. 15, 2015—An intro to my first few months at Vandy!

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Roommate 102

Apr. 11, 2015—For most incoming freshmen, the idea of living with a roommate for the first time is a daunting prospect. After all, you’re going to be sharing a room with a complete stranger for the next nine months! Coming from England, where most college students live in single rooms, I was particularly apprehensive about the roommate...

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Roommate 101

Apr. 3, 2015—Okay, so you’ve got into to Vandy, now what? Amongst the many other things you need to do such as accepting your place, paying your matriculation fee and CELEBRATING having been accepted into the best school in the world, one of the most exciting (but potentially rather stressful) jobs is searching for a roommate. With...

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First Semester Highlights

Dec. 17, 2014—A look back at some of the highlights from my first semester at Vandy

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A Tale of Two Roomies

Oct. 26, 2014—Some reasons why you're missing the perfect (or perfectly tolerable) roommate that you might not have even realized you needed here at Vanderbilt.

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Towers Dinner Date

Oct. 27, 2013—About a month ago, my roommate and I discovered a note on the door to our suite. It was written in calligraphy and printed on fancy paper and invited our whole suite to dinner.

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