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‘off campus’

Exploring Kurdish Culture in Nashville

Nov. 5, 2015—Getting to experience an authentic Kurdish meal (read: feast) through my "Food, Identity, and Culture" anthropology class!!

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Nashville Nights & Stunning Sights

Oct. 21, 2015—Hey everyone! As some of my fellow bloggers have already mentioned, last week was Fall Break (which was definitely much needed–and appreciated–after a hectic few weeks of midterms and papers). Seeing as going home to England was just a little bit too far away for a four-day break, I decided to spend Fall Break having a...

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Farewell, Freshman Year!

Apr. 21, 2015—All the feels.

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Spring Break Adventures

Mar. 15, 2015—Hey guys! As a Vanderbilt student, there are so many different ways to spend your Spring Break. You could participate in Alternative Spring Break (ASB), travel abroad, go hiking with the Outdoor Rec, join a service trip or just stay on campus and explore Nashville’s hidden gems. For me, as an international student from England,...

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Thankful for Thanksgiving

Nov. 30, 2014—A few things I'm thankful for this Thanksgiving...

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An Evening at The Bluebird Café

Nov. 26, 2014—Thankgiving Break Update: falling in love with Nashville's music scene.

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A Vanderbilt Thanksgiving

Nov. 25, 2014—An international student's Thanksgiving adventures at Vanderbilt.

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A Night in the Wild

Oct. 8, 2014—Over the weekend, I got together with 7 other guys and we went camping in Tennessee’s very own Percy Priest Lake. We knew we wanted to go camping. Then one of us mentioned a spot that he had gone once where there was both cliff jumping and canoeing involved. We were immediately sold. Fast forward...

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The Great Apartment Hunt

May. 8, 2014—Good news, dear readers--it looks like I'll be staying in Nashville for at least a little while post-grad! More on that later, most likely, but this brings me to something that has been taking up most of my free time: apartment hunting.

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I went bowling!

Jan. 7, 2014—This past Saturday, my sister and I met up with some of my friends in Birmingham, AL to watch the Commodores take on the University of Houston Cougars at the BBVA Compass Bowl. I had never been to an away game before, although I guess this was technically considered a neutral field. It was the perfect ending to my last football game as a student.

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