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The Ultimate List of Move-In Life Hacks for Future First-Years

Aug. 13, 2019—Only a couple more days ’til First Year Move-In!!! I hope all of you are as excited as I am :) As I’m starting to gather all of my stuff in preparation for my own move-in, the stress and pressure that I felt in the week leading up to that first day as a Commons...

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Things you might not think to bring but might actually need!

Aug. 7, 2019—Move-In Season is upon us! If you are an incoming first-year student, you are probably giddy with excitement, or maybe nervous about moving into a dorm for the first time. Since this year will be my last move-in to Vandy (omg what), here are some tips from my personal experience about what to bring! Desk...

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My Experience with Summer Orgo

Aug. 1, 2019—HAPPY AUGUST EVERYONE!!!  I hope you’re all having a great summer! I can’t wait to be back on campus in just a few short weeks; I’ll be helping the freshmen move in on the 17th so I’m flying down on the morning of the 16th. Until then, I’m mostly relaxing and taking a well-needed vacation...

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10 Essentials that Need to Come to College With You

Apr. 11, 2019—Moving from your home into a dorm room can be hard. Suddenly, you have to transport all of your belongings into a room that you are sharing with someone else. All the everyday items that you take for granted in your house have to be accounted for. To help alleviate some of the stress, I’ve...

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One Day Until Year Three

Aug. 10, 2018—One day until I move in for my junior year at Vanderbilt. While I wonder how it is that summer went by so quickly, there is no denying my excitement for the year ahead. I’ve spent the last three months keeping in touch with my friends from school via facetime and text, but I am...

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Vandy Lingo 101

Aug. 12, 2017—I remember how I felt this same time last year. There was exactly one week remaining until I finally set foot on Vanderbilt’s campus as a student and hearing the Move Crew, which I’ll be a part of this year, scream “Anchor Down!” as I arrived on campus. There is so much about Vanderbilt that...

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“I was terrified:” The Weeks Before Move-In Day

Jul. 27, 2016—“Guys?” I looked around the patio table outside the frozen yogurt place. My yogurt hadn’t melted yet; the terrible heat of June had left Dallas. It was August, two weeks away from Move-In Day. “What?” Kristin and Alicia looked at me between bites of their cones. “Is this just me… or are y’all scared for college too?” Kristin and Alicia, two of my best friends since fifth grade, looked at each other and then looked at me. “Oh my gosh, Sophie, we’re terrified.” And then all of us started laughing.

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Move-In Day: The Layout!!! (Possibly the Most Important Post That You’ll Ever Read)

May. 12, 2016—It's Move-In Day, 2015. I walked through the doorway of my room in Stambaugh, and stood there, completely floored. Why? Because my dorm looked simply amazing. Let’s look at the layout. (And that tile!)

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And We’re Back!

Aug. 23, 2015—Classes don’t start for another two days, but I’ve been back at the Happiest Place on Earth (sorry, Disneyland) for a week. Typical. Between the empty hallways and the lack of a functioning meal plan, being on campus early can be a bit eerie, but it’s incredibly helpful to have some time to settle in...

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