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‘Freshman Life’

Farewell, Freshman Year!

Apr. 21, 2015—All the feels.

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Roommate 102

Apr. 11, 2015—For most incoming freshmen, the idea of living with a roommate for the first time is a daunting prospect. After all, you’re going to be sharing a room with a complete stranger for the next nine months! Coming from England, where most college students live in single rooms, I was particularly apprehensive about the roommate...

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Roommate 101

Apr. 3, 2015—Okay, so you’ve got into to Vandy, now what? Amongst the many other things you need to do such as accepting your place, paying your matriculation fee and CELEBRATING having been accepted into the best school in the world, one of the most exciting (but potentially rather stressful) jobs is searching for a roommate. With...

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Welcome to the Class of 2019!

Mar. 22, 2015—CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL THE NEWLY ADMITTED MEMBERS OF THE CLASS OF 2019! Welcome to Vanderbilt; we’re so excited to have you!

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Spring Break Adventures

Mar. 15, 2015—Hey guys! As a Vanderbilt student, there are so many different ways to spend your Spring Break. You could participate in Alternative Spring Break (ASB), travel abroad, go hiking with the Outdoor Rec, join a service trip or just stay on campus and explore Nashville’s hidden gems. For me, as an international student from England,...

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Vanderbilt Valentine’s – Stambaugh Style

Feb. 22, 2015—Hey guys! So if you’ve been reading my blogs recently, you’ve probably noticed I’ve been going on a lot about the HAC. Please bear with me – I’ve got one more post and then I’ll move on to something else (maybe)! But given the Valentines timing, I just have to blog about why I love...

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Getting Involved: Commons Leadership

Feb. 6, 2015—Hey guys! If you saw my last blog post, you may remember me writing about my recent appointment as the Fifth Floor Representative for Stambaugh House. If you haven’t read it, you should. It’s here. Thanks. In today’s post, I’d like to talk a little bit more about some of the amazing opportunities available to...

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Dec. 17, 2014—Y’all are making me feel old. But more importantly, CONGRATULATIONS. Here’s why you have just made the best decision and earned what has been easily one of the greatest honors of my life.

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The VU from the StamBalcony

Nov. 10, 2014—Hey guys! So today I want to talk to you about one of the best parts of the freshman experience at Vanderbilt…the Martha Rivers Ingram Commons! As you may already know, all first year students at Vanderbilt live in one of ten Houses on the Commons: Crawford, East, Gillette, Hank Ingram, Memorial, Murray, North, Stambaugh,...

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Media Immersion 2014

Sep. 28, 2014—Three days before all the First Years arrived, roughly 30 freshmen moved in to participate in Media Immersion 2014 for days packed with radio, television, photography, music recording and nonfiction writing. What they didn't expect was all the memories they made in just 72 hours.

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