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‘Fall Break’

Nashville Nights & Stunning Sights

Oct. 21, 2015—Hey everyone! As some of my fellow bloggers have already mentioned, last week was Fall Break (which was definitely much needed–and appreciated–after a hectic few weeks of midterms and papers). Seeing as going home to England was just a little bit too far away for a four-day break, I decided to spend Fall Break having a...

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Free Stuffff!!

Oct. 21, 2015—It’s easy to forget to be thankful for what you have when you’re busy 24/7, so while complaining about all the precious sleep that I haven’t been getting, I decided to take a minute to appreciate what I have.

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Escaping the Vander-bubble

Oct. 18, 2015—Nashville has a ton to offer, and it's always worth the effort to get off campus once in a while and explore.

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Chronicles of Narnia: the Student, the Shift, and the Family

Dec. 24, 2014—Going home for the holidays might not be what you expected it to be. Sure wasn't for me the first time.

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After Midterms, A Relaxing Break

Oct. 19, 2014—Fall break couldn’t have come any sooner. After about ten days of study study test study cram test paper study test (a.k.a. midterm week), I packed a few clothes in a duffel and drove three hours east to Ocoee, TN with friends. We spent Wednesday night in a pastoral setting, and then found a camping...

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More Fun Than I Thought Possible: Fall SPOTS (Part 2)

Dec. 19, 2013—Time to resurrect Fall Break. It's entirely appropriate. I started this post over (Thanksgiving) Break, but I'm thinking back to (Fall) Break because we are currently on (Christmas) Break. Break on Break on Break. There was some major awesome that happened on the missions trip to St. Louis. Ashlin covered Part 1, so here's to Part 2!

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Backtracking: Fall Break

Nov. 11, 2013—For fall break (long time ago, I know), I went to Boston to visit my best friend from home, Annie. Fun ensued!

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Navs Fall Conference

Oct. 20, 2013—I was super excited for fall break this year because I went on Navs Fall Conference and got to see a lot of people from the program (STP) I did over the summer. Normally, Fall Conference is just a random weekend in the fall and we travel down on Friday. Since it was over fall break this year, over 120 people from Vandy Navs headed down on Thursday to enjoy the outdoors.

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Home Again

Oct. 14, 2013—I know it seems like just yesterday that my parents were in Nashville to visit my sister and me on Parents Weekend. But time flies, and before we knew it, it was fall break and my sister and I were headed to the Miami Beach Sunshine.

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Staycation, all I’ve ever wanted.

Oct. 13, 2013—All I've ever needed...

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