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‘end of the semester’

Sorority Recruitment at Vanderbilt

Dec. 6, 2019—It’s that time of the year again. I’m not talking about the holidays, finals, or the first snowfall, but rather, I’m talking about sorority recruitment. Vanderbilt has winter recruitment, which begins right before second semester instead of before first semester like many other universities. This way, freshmen can navigate new coursework, a new state, new...

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Shortlist of Gratitude

Dec. 3, 2019—Now that Thanksgiving break has come and gone, and we are in the calm before the storm that is finals season, I want to express some appreciation for things that make life sweet! It’s important to not lose sight of the bigger picture that is the wonder of life, even when school becomes a hectic...

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A Year in Review

May. 31, 2019—Hi! I made my decision to attend Vanderbilt a year ago this month. It’s crazy to think about how much has changed in that time frame. This decision really did change my life, which is something I often remember my high school teachers threatening us with. In all honesty, they were trying to make us...

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A weekend of festivities

Apr. 24, 2019—Though we have just entered finals season, this past weekend was fun and eventful. At the intersection of so many different holidays and celebrations, events throughout the weekend provided many ways to de-stress and enjoy the diversity in culture on campus. Regardless of individual culture or religious affiliation, the best part of campus culture is...

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A quick breather

Dec. 10, 2018—Now that my two hardest finals – biochem and physics – are over, I can take things a bit easier. Though finals week is, by definition, not the most stress-free time of the year, it does not have to be as grueling as some people make it seem. A friend of mine, who is an electrical...

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Not quite Sweater Weather

Dec. 4, 2017—One of my mottos: Why be inside when you can be outside? Call it global warming, climate change, the South, etc., it’s hard to not enjoy this weather. Although we are in December right now, it feels more like October. Temperatures have been in the 60s and 70s, cooler in morning and evening but warming...

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Calm before the storm

Dec. 4, 2017—Finals season is upon us… I’ve been saying this all semester, but time goes by so quickly at Vandy. It feels like we just started the school year, and it’s already time for finals. Especially after Thanksgiving break, it just goes by super quickly. This weekend I did some studying, but I also just tried...

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Things I Learned After One Year at Vandy

May. 9, 2017—You’re going to study a lot more than you ever did, but then you’ll have more fun than you ever did The laundry room is an unexpected but great place to make friends It’s ok to not end up best friends with your roommate Ask for cracked eggs in the commons omelette line But if...

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Musicals, Holi, Drumming, Oh My!

Apr. 11, 2017—Hello everyone! I’m Yuqi, and I’m here with the first of many updates on my adventures at Vanderbilt! While I’m still shocked that there are only 2 weeks of school left (and then finals!!!), this also means that many cultural and performance arts groups have been fitting in their last events and performances in the...

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Another Chapter Over

Dec. 30, 2015—My abroad journey has come to an end.

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