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It’s Always Been About the People: Thoughts on the Halfway Mark

May. 31, 2021—It’s been about three weeks since I’ve wrapped up my sophomore year, which means that I’m now halfway through my time at Vanderbilt. But, and as is a common sentiment among most anyone who’s lived through the past year and a half, part of me still feels frozen in March 2020, in the remaining months...

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Nashville’s Marching Band, and the Vandy Bubble

Feb. 12, 2021—It’s the start of spring semester and I already miss football season. As a result, I thought I’d write about my experience so far in the Spirit of Gold Marching Band, otherwise known as SOG. I’ll talk about specifics like Gameday in later posts, but for now here’s just an introduction: One of the most...

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It’s a New Year: resolutions, reflections & appreciation

Jan. 30, 2021—I used to never make New Year’s Resolutions because the idea always seemed a little silly to me. Instead, I have always concluded a year by pulling up the letter I wrote to myself the year prior, reading it, reflecting over the words and pictures I have collected from the past year, then typing a...

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Why Vanderbilt: Transfer Students (Part III)

Jan. 31, 2020—Tomorrow, we will embrace the second month of 2020 with the leap day. The deadline of transfer application is getting closer. I hope the following Why Vanderbilt responses will be helpful to transfer applicants. Enjoy. I. A Junior’s Response Hometown: China “This is my second year at Vanderbilt. Before transferring to Vanderbilt, I was looking...

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Why Vanderbilt: Transfer Students (Part II)

Jan. 29, 2020—Happy Chinese New Year! Two more transfer students took their precious time to share their “Why Vanderbilt” answers with us. They discuss academics and campus atmosphere. One touches upon sustainability efforts this academic year. Enjoy! I. A Junior’s Response Majors:Child Studies and Psychology Hometown: Shanghai, China Intended Career: Bilingual teacher “I transferred to Vandy when...

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“They Answer I Present”: Why Vanderbilt (Part 4)

Oct. 17, 2019—Different people have asked the question of “Why Vanderbilt.” During a workshop held by the Career Center last week, a panelist representing a graduate program was interested in the attendees’ ideas about the question. In my interview with Yufei Yan, I was curious about her thoughts on this two-word question. When I met my secondary...

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“They Answer I Present”: Why Vanderbilt (Part 2)

Oct. 11, 2019—I have pondered the question “Why Vanderbilt” on various occasions. When I was an applicant, I read the information on Vanderbilt’s website to formulate my answer. After I received the acceptance letter, I reviewed my answer and added new elements to it. Right before coming to Nashville, I talked with a family friend who graduated...

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Vanderbilt’s Hidden Gems

Apr. 8, 2019—With freshman year coming to a close, and a new freshman class preparing to enter Vanderbilt’s class of 2023, I started thinking about the reasons why I love Vanderbilt so much. Even before coming to Vanderbilt, I knew there was a lot to love about it. But once I got here, I discovered a whole...

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Why I Chose Vanderbilt

Mar. 24, 2019—It’s that time of the year! No, not Christmas– It’s time for regular decision admissions!  I remember how anxious, excited, frustrated, and hopeful, etc. I felt last year during this time and I’d love to share with y’all a little bit why I chose Vanderbilt and how I did it. As the typical type-A student, after...

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Spotlight: Disabilities Awareness Partnership

Jul. 27, 2017—Being a college student is amazing, but it can also be rough sometimes, especially so if you happen to be a college student with some kind of disability. That’s why this week I wanted to talk about support systems and highlight a student org I am a part of called the Disabilities Awareness Partnership (or...

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