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‘college of arts and science’

One down, three to go

Apr. 21, 2014—Today was my last day of class as a Vanderbilt first year student, and while I still have finals to get through, I can’t help but take a quick glimpse back at this year. I have enjoyed every minute of everyday even when it was hard, even when I stayed up late working on an...

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Inside the Course: B&W Film Photography

Mar. 30, 2014—Welcome to the second installment of “Inside the Course” where I give you an in depth look at a Vanderbilt course I’m currently taking. Today’s course is one I highly recommend: Arts 120: Introduction to B&W Photography. In high school, I took AP 2D Design and focused my work around photography–it’s something I’ve always enjoyed....

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Hey, guess what’s great? Semester eight!

Jan. 19, 2014—It only took two weeks for me to remember I had a whole lot of blogging to do. And of course, I can't miss out on my very last classic semester preview post. Yes, that's right dear readers. I am already two weeks into my final semester of my undergraduate career. I am in a constant fight with panic and hyperventilation.

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Semester Recap

Dec. 15, 2013—Can you believe it, dear readers? I’ve got one semester left. That is a positively terrifying and thrilling idea which I am trying not to reflect on too much—I’m not sure I’m quite ready to leave Vandy just yet

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The Sound of Music Remixed: The Saga That Was Picking My Classes

Dec. 8, 2013—I’ve recently been inspired by Carrie Underwood’s live TV performance in the Sound of Music, so I now proudly, unabashedly present my own recreation of one of my favorite songs from this magical musical, all about picking my schedule. Also, I address how I settled on my schedule for my first two semesters at Vandy. Happy Holidays. Happy Finals-Procrastinating. Happy Reading.

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Blogging with the Stars

Dec. 6, 2013—In case you didn't know, my fellow bloggers are super stars. On Wednesday evening, I had the fantastic opportunity to witness not one or two but THREE of my fellow bloggers in various performances on campus.

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Why I am Thankful for VU

Nov. 30, 2013—Although I spend Thanksgiving with my family in Miami Beach each year, I always take some time to reflect on all of the amazing opportunities which I have been afforded over the past three and a half years at Vanderbilt. First, I would like to thank Vanderbilt for renovating Alumni Hall. Now, I can get...

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Why Vanderbilt?

Nov. 29, 2013—I perfectly remember this time of year last year. It was November and I was almost ready to submit my college applications, but was I really? In fact, I didn’t submit Anything until 3 hours before the deadline, which was stupid, I know, but I needed all the time I could have to revise and...

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Church Service for Class

Nov. 8, 2013—This past Wednesday night, I attended Reform University Fellowship (RUF). I know what you're thinking. First, why would I need to attend a church service for class? And second, aren't you Jewish? I am, and that is precisely why I decided to attend a campus ministry worship service.

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Oct. 16, 2013—I thought that I would never see the day. I actually got into medical school. The University of Florida College of Medicine called me this morning to notify me that I have a place in their class of 2018. I nearly fainted when I heard the news.

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