Summer Category
En France, En Français!
Dec. 12, 2014—Vanderbilt has a unique collection of study abroad programs that enables students to extend their Vanderbilt experience to beyond the borders of Nashville, Tennessee and the United States.
Workin’ Hard For The Money
Nov. 9, 2014—Heather gets a job, and of course it involves food...
A Post-Summer Night’s Dream
Sep. 18, 2014—Here's a #tbt post about my fabulous summer with "wow I missed Nashville" commentary throughout, of course.
SOUTH AFRICA {an acrostic}
Sep. 9, 2014—olving problems was never the goal. I understood from the beginning that the parallels between our own great nation and the southern-most tip of Africa were strong enough that if I wanted to tackle the issues of poverty, community health, civil rights, or education, I needn’t look farther than my own ZIP code. No, it...
Jae Goes to Bolivia: The Miracle [Part 8]
Aug. 15, 2014—With school starting back up, the big question I ask everyone is, "What was your single greatest moment of the summer?" It's much more fun than simply asking what someone did over the summer and I get to hear about the exciting parts of people's live. My last week in Bolivia gave me my "single greatest moment."
My time at Time Inc.
Aug. 9, 2014—Looking at my calendar these days blows my mind. Somehow it’s August again, and soon enough I’ll be back home. No, not home home, but my home away from home — the place I’ve spent a lot more time at than home-home in the last two years. But this year is different than the last couple...
Jae Goes to Bolivia: Exploring Tarija [Part 7]
Aug. 7, 2014—One of the main things you really want to do when studying abroad is to experience the city itself and soak in all the new culture that surrounds you. Accompanied by my two fellow students, we soaked in plenty.
Jae Goes to Bolivia: Country Roads [Part 6]
Jul. 21, 2014—During my second week, my designated rotation was at a small general clinic out of the city limits. As the locals call it: el campo, the countryside.