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Rites done Right (Round 2)

Apr. 26, 2014—It’s been said that with great power comes great responsibility, and this year that was just as applicable to Tobey Maguire as it was to me working my second year at Vanderbilt’s annual Rites of Spring Music Festival. As a part of the Music Group, I spend the whole year planning and looking forward to...

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Meloroo 2014

Apr. 19, 2014—The following is a co-written post by bloggers Caitlyn and me (Victoria). We’ve just returned from Saturday night’s Melodores concert. It was, of course, fantastic! There are not one, but two, bloggers in the Melodores– Nathan and Rani. Since this is Nathan’s senior (and consequently last) show and he is insanely busy, we decided to...

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Rites of Spring + SPEAR

Apr. 14, 2014—I’d like to extol a particular student organization active on Vanderbilt’s campus, Students Promoting Environmental Awareness and Responsibility––SPEAR for short. Since last semester, I have been one of those flighty, practically invisible club members who signs up for the listserv, attends two meetings total, and then goes to various and sundry events as she pleases,...

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There’s No Place Like Nashville

Apr. 14, 2014—As if you need more incentive to come visit Vanderbilt and Nashville, here it is. A run-down of my last four days that have made me fall even more in love with Nashville.

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Finding the Music in Music City

Apr. 6, 2014—Coming to Vanderbilt, I knew I would have to pursue the amazing Nashville music scene.

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A French Concert, Oh Là Là!

Mar. 27, 2014—This evening I had the delightful experience of attending a concert at Sarratt Cinema with my French 102 class, including my professor and her husband. The feature was Genticorum, a three-man band from Québec.

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Editor’s Note:

Mar. 17, 2014—Where I attempt to fill you in on the following: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness/endless extracurricular involvement. Plus, some big Inside 'Dores news!

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Flash Orchestra

Feb. 24, 2014—This past Saturday, I walked into a surprise performance and mini-performance by members of the Nashville Symphony.

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The Culturally Literate

Feb. 10, 2014—My Friday night led me to experience the visual arts, modern dance, an medley of Vanderbilt voices, and a jubilee for the XXII Winter Games. I certainly was inspired by this culture-filled evening!

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Surprise in Music Literature class

Jan. 18, 2014—After a long day I got to listen to a wonderful band in my American Popular Music class.

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