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‘Dorm Rooms’

Vandy Dorm Life

Dec. 17, 2019—I promised I would do a post on my suite in my previous post, so here it is! Vanderbilt has a wide variety of options for students to live on campus and it does an especially good job of helping freshmen transition into college life. All freshmen are randomly placed in one of the ten...

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How to Make an Extra Small Dorm Room Extra Comfortable

Feb. 15, 2019—My roommate and I were at Lollapalooza, an annual music festival in Chicago, when we found out where exactly we’d be housed our first year at Vanderbilt. The envelope was a thick one, and the contents inside were mostly irrelevant. Only one thing in it mattered at the time — and that was the piece...

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How to Make Your Dorm Room Feel Like Home

Dec. 9, 2018—Dorm room shopping is one of the most memorable and exciting parts of starting your college journey; everyone remembers their first dorm room and all the fun they had shopping for just the right things to put in it.  Having the opportunity to decorate a space that is (almost) all your own is a big...

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5 Things You Definitely Should Pack for College

Aug. 10, 2018—Surprisingly, there’s now only one week left until Move-In Day 2018! I am excited, but of course, anxious for everything that the new school year will have in store. If you are an incoming First-Year student, I’m sure that you have checked every single packing list on the Internet to prepare for the year ahead....

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Room Tour: Highland Quad Four-Person Suite

Feb. 26, 2018—Welcome to a virtual tour of my suite! I am a sophomore living in a four-person suite on Highland Quad, which is where many upperclassmen live. It is at a convenient location right across from the rec center, next to the Blair School of Music, across from Vanderbilt Medical Center, and about a 10-minute walk...

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An Ode to Towers

Aug. 26, 2017—Have you ever wondered what upperclassmen housing at Vanderbilt looks like? Here’s a photo blog post about my room in one of the four Towers on main campus, my last dorm room as an undergraduate (and a random picture of my textbooks)!  

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And We’re Back!

Aug. 23, 2015—Classes don’t start for another two days, but I’ve been back at the Happiest Place on Earth (sorry, Disneyland) for a week. Typical. Between the empty hallways and the lack of a functioning meal plan, being on campus early can be a bit eerie, but it’s incredibly helpful to have some time to settle in...

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Packing for Vandy 101

Jun. 24, 2015—There are a lot of things to check-off from your to-do list before arriving on campus, and packing for college was definitely on top of the list. Living in a dorm room is not quite the same as living in your own house. While you do want to make sure that you buy and pack...

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Roommate 102

Apr. 11, 2015—For most incoming freshmen, the idea of living with a roommate for the first time is a daunting prospect. After all, you’re going to be sharing a room with a complete stranger for the next nine months! Coming from England, where most college students live in single rooms, I was particularly apprehensive about the roommate...

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Roommate 101

Apr. 3, 2015—Okay, so you’ve got into to Vandy, now what? Amongst the many other things you need to do such as accepting your place, paying your matriculation fee and CELEBRATING having been accepted into the best school in the world, one of the most exciting (but potentially rather stressful) jobs is searching for a roommate. With...

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