My Thanksgiving in Pictures
Nov. 28, 2012—I decided to switch it up a bit, so this blog is presented to you in the form of a photo adventure through my Thanksgiving break!
Baahston Part 2 (better late than never)
Nov. 16, 2012—A few posts ago, I gave you the low down on my Fall Break adventures in Boston. However, I only divulged half the story. So as promised, here’s the other half. Please just consider this as fashionably late.
Fall is here!
Oct. 9, 2012—As I’m sure many of you know, this past weekend was Vandy’s fall break. And it definitely ushered in the frigid fall weather that we’re all now experiencing...
Rain, Rain, Come Again
Sep. 18, 2012—There it was: the perfect puddle. To jump or not to jump. Also, if you ever need a conversation starter with a Vandy girl, talk about rainboots.
Parks and Rec
Sep. 10, 2012—This weekend, I took advantage of the BEAUTIFUL weather and decided to experience Nashville's parks. Believe it or not, there are so many parks around here. There are not only hiking trails, water falls, and horseback riding, but also outside amphitheaters, playgrounds and museums.
A Vacation in the Sunshine State
Jul. 30, 2012—Numerous families make beach trips during the summer. My family is not one of them. We are definitely a family that prefers the mountain scene over the beach. Cold over hot. Foliage over sand. However, with the desire to do something as a family before I head to Nashville and my sister begins her Master’s...
Rites of Spring 2012
Apr. 24, 2012—This year marks my second year of going to Rites of Spring at Vanderbilt. Even though I didn't know any of the artists coming super well, I love the atmosphere of Rites and the awesome meal plan food options (like The Grilled Cheeserie). Here's a summary of my experience that weekend:
Victoria’s Vanderbilt Visit and Verdicts
Apr. 20, 2012—You've probably seen a variety of posts here on the blog about why people chose Vanderbilt. Today I'd like to share my reasons with you. Much like Nathan, I don't have bullet points but as I am an English major, I figured I'd share my reasoning with you in story form.
The One Question Every Prospective Student Wants to Know
Mar. 19, 2012—Besides “how’s the food here?”– there is one question that is central to any prospective (or simply curious) student’s inquiries. I’m here to answer for you, in my humble opinion.