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Hindsight is 20/20

Jul. 18, 2017—I cannot believe that I am officially a senior! I still remember moving into West House three years ago, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Now, when I look back at freshman-year Aditi, I wish I could have known a few things before beginning my college journey. Of course, hindsight is 20/20, but here’s some advice from a...

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Favorite Off Campus Study Breaks

Dec. 1, 2016—With my second fall semester winding down, I should be studying for finals, but all I can think about is Christmas Break! I’ve only been back from Thanksgiving for a week, and I’m already overwhelmed by the end of semester assignments and finals prep. Some days, the best thing for my sanity is to take...

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Balancing Your Break!

Nov. 16, 2016—With Thanksgiving Break rapidly approaching (woohoo!!), I’m torn between wanting to use my free time to work ahead on assignments and wanting to relax and catch up with friends and family. On one hand, finals are about to get crazy, and I have three papers due when I get back from break! On the other,...

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Keeping it classical

Apr. 9, 2016—A classical night out!

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Bursting the Vanderbubble: The Music Edition

Mar. 4, 2016—Musical adventures at the Ryman.

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Vandy: Round 2

Jun. 25, 2015—Things to look forward to this fall.

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Jan. 23, 2015—The dilemma of many Vandy students is how to fit everything into just 24 hours a day. But one email from the International Student and Scholar Services and the Office of Active Citizenship and Service caught my eye, and I simply could not let go of this opportunity.

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To drive or not to drive

Apr. 9, 2013—For my social studies methods class, our final project is to create a geodiary about our community and it got me thinking about how my physical community broadened significantly after I got my car this year. So, I realized that this could be an important blog post for prospective Vanderbilt students: do you bring a car to Vandy or not? Here is my pros/cons list...

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Family Time in Nashville!

Apr. 3, 2012—As I mentioned in my last post, my sister had her senior thesis show on March 23, the same night as AOII’s formal.  In honor of the occasion, my family came to Nashville!

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