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The Truth About the All Nighter

Feb. 9, 2019—It’s no secret that in college there will be plenty of late nights spent writing papers, finishing problem sets, or studying for a big exam. Sometimes, it’s easy to get lost in the chaos and the stress, and before you know it, it’s 6:30 in the morning and you have to be up soon to...

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Snow Day Shenanigans

Jan. 22, 2018—Last Friday, Vanderbilt cancelled classes due to weather for only the sixth time since 1873 when the school was founded. Being from Georgia, I did not expect us to get much snow at all even though all of Middle Tennessee cancelled school. However, at about 3pm on that Friday, snow quickly began to fall from...

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Losing voice, gaining sleep

Dec. 10, 2017—Guys, I got sick right before finals and lemme tell y’all, it’s not fun. 10/10 would not recommend… It all started with losing my voice after an impromptu jam sesh with my suite mates and neighbors. My voice progressively got worse, and I caught a cold on top of it. My only method of communication...

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Not from Nashville? Neither am I.

Oct. 18, 2015—I decided to stay in Nashville for my fall break, and it was pretty awesome. There is so much to do in Nashville, and I finally got the time to venture out! I tried out a couple of new restaurants and slept a whole lot.

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The 21-Hour Day

Feb. 24, 2014—Yesterday marked a milestone for my college career: my first all-nighter. After a rock-climbing trip with WilSkills, I had 12 hours to research and practice a 9-minute extemporaneous speech for my public speaking class. There are many excuses I could give as to why I had yet to begin researching for a speech I knew...

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The life of a Peabody student during finals week

Dec. 13, 2012—Vanderbilt has an intriguing finals atmosphere: students meander around on 0-2 hours of sleep per night, moving from a test to the library and just maybe stopping for coffee in between. When you're a Peabody student, however, your life tends to be a bit different come finals week.

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Leading up to Semester 4…

Jan. 7, 2012—Wow wow wow I did not know 2.5 weeks could go by so quickly! My winter break has been a wonderful mix of restfulness and keeping busy with different events! Get ready for a long post of catching you up on the past few weeks of life!

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Accomplishments During Thanksgiving Break

Nov. 23, 2011—I had many aspirations for Thanksgivng break: sleep, spend time with all of my friends back home, sleep, hang out with the family, sleep, finish a political science paper, sleep, study for a biology test, sleep, finish some leisure reading, and sleep some more. But this has to be one of those situations where “it’s...

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One Of Those Weeks

Nov. 5, 2011—Hey there, reader. Long time no talk. If you’re wondering why, I’d like to direct you to my friend, the Vanderbilt School of Engineering. We’ve been hanging out a lot this year, and when we’re not spending time together at Featheringill or Olin, I generally go and spend all my time working on improving our...

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