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‘sigma phi lambda’

CC: Vanderbilt’s Christian Communities!

Jul. 15, 2017—Every Christian ministry is full of people searching too, and each ministry is loving and accepting. Find out more about them through the links in this post!

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CC: Phi Lamb!

Jul. 15, 2017—"Never have I ever joined an organization that made me feel so immediately welcomed and loved than Phi Lamb."

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Christian Communities: Coming Soon!

Jun. 23, 2017—A brief, brief summary about the Christian communities and a promise. <3

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SAQ: How has Phi Lamb Impacted You?

Jan. 9, 2017—Welcome to SAQ, where Sophie Answers Questions! Here, learn more about Phi Lamb, the Christian sorority on campus. Phi Lamb was one of the best decisions I made my freshman year. My ‘pledge class’ (the people who go through New Member Education with) was about 6-7 girls, and I made some of my closest friendships...

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Sophie Druffner: My Life in GroupMe

Nov. 21, 2016—Since my phone is dead so often, GroupMe and email are my primary forms of communication. I’m 90% sure that everything in my life could be reduced into GroupMe, and actually, looking over this post now, I think that it has. (If you have further questions on the things mentioned here, check out the relevant...

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University Catholic: Prayer Group (Bible Study) Edition!

Nov. 21, 2016—Why a bible study, though? Especially to freshman me, who had been to youth group exactly once and never really read the bible, “bible study” sounded scary. Like we were translating Greek or something. Seriously, scary stuff. For some reason, the two words also sounded like a huge commitment. Maybe it was the student part of me reacting at the word “study,” but I really didn’t like the sound of that word. Enter “prayer group.” (Shoutout to Phi Lamb :) thanks, y’all :)).

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EMAIL ME! (Seriously. Just do it!)

Nov. 19, 2016—I wrote this post because I would LOVE to answer your questions about life at Vanderbilt! My email is I know that it may seem scary to send an email into the abyss, but I am SO excited to answer any questions that you may have and I answer really, really quickly! So hit me up. Seriously.

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Standing on the Cumberland Bridge (Status of College: 25% Completed!)

May. 11, 2016—The last night before I left, Carolyn and I took a bus into Nashville and walked along the pedestrian bridge (it’s beautiful!) Standing on the bridge, overlooking the Cumberland, we couldn’t believe how far we had come. As we looked at the lights' reflection on the river water, only one question ran through our minds: How did this happen?

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I’ve Always Wanted an Older Sister: Sigma Phi Lambda, the Christian Sorority!

Mar. 8, 2016—Ten minutes before the introduction to Phi Lamb, I walked determinedly across the Vandy bridge and promised myself I wouldn't say yes. And then they asked if I wanted to join, and well, they were just too wonderful. And now I'm so, so happy to say that I'm a Lamb!!! Read on for why Phi Lamb!

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My (Real) Vanderbilt Experience: It’s a Success (Sort of)

Mar. 7, 2016—It’s 2:00 AM and I’m at Stevenson Library. On my right are five research papers, newly printed and stapled. On my left is my planner, covered in writing. My head’s buzzing with all the stuff I have to do and I’m trying to keep everything under control. And one thought above all: College is so much harder than I thought it was.

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