CC: Phi Lamb!
I’ve written a lot about Phi Lamb and what it means to me, so I wanted to have others’ perspectives as well as my own! Anna is my grandbig and Renee is my big, and I can’t tell you how much they are amazing. So much amazing <3 You should definitely know that you can be both in a Christian sorority and a Greek sorority, and that you'll see some snazzy graphics around Fall 2017 as we do recruitment!
[caption id="attachment_38476" align="aligncenter" width="650"] Look at this beautiful, diverse group of girls! :) [/caption]
Phi Lamb has been my home at Vanderbilt in every sense of the word. I didn’t realize until after I had joined that it was everything that I needed and more in a Christian community. From my very first day as a new member, I felt that the girls truly cared about me and looked out for me. I honestly don’t know how I could’ve gotten through college without Phi Lamb: my sisters have supported me through both the best and worst moments of the past three years, whether they were sharing spiritual truth, words of advice, or a simply a hug. They have honestly made me a better person by always pointing me back to Christ and showing me His love through their actions. I have learned and grown so much from my time in Phi Lamb and will be forever grateful for this wise, loving, and hilarious community.
— Anna Huang, Class of 2018
As a newcomer to faith and the idea of Christ, Phi Lamb was the first place that I sought answers. Never have I ever joined an organization that made me feel so immediately welcomed and loved than Phi Lamb. When I first met the officers, I was terrified about being so transparent with them about not having a relationship with Christ. Much to my surprise, they were completely understanding and open to welcoming me despite my own sense of inadequacy. They embraced my questions, as did the other members, and they all felt like family despite our differences, both in faith and otherwise. Being surrounded by such a variety of girls from different faith backgrounds, interests, and personalities has helped me not only see the infinite ways that Christ works in individual’s lives, but also what lies at the heart of believing in and following Christ. Seeing girls from different denominations come together and worship so fully throughout the week is beautiful beyond words.
Through the variety of events and activities that I have done within Phi Lamb as well as with its members, I feel that I have been given the opportunity to develop a holistic perspective of God while developing my personal relationship with Him. I can see how He works in the world, in communities, in individuals, and within myself. Spending so much time with sisters has also given me the opportunity to have more conversations about faith – leading to more Christ-centered relationships that have helped me integrate faith more and more into my everyday life, both at the start of my faith journey, and throughout it now. Regardless of whether I am going through a dry period in my faith, a difficult time in my life, or an incredible high point, my sisters have always been able to point me back to God in a way that has always been loving and supportive. I could not have imagined a more incredible family.
–Renee Chen