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Seniors’ Fondest Memories at Vanderbilt Part I

May. 15, 2020—Happy graduation, Class of 2020! My closest friends are graduating students. Seniors like Deniz and Ashli have helped me navigate the world of blogging. This month is a fruitful season with the unique element: resilience. I interviewed three of my graduating peers and asked for their fondest memories at Vanderbilt. Memories I “Looking back over...

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Why Vanderbilt: Transfer Students (Part II)

Jan. 29, 2020—Happy Chinese New Year! Two more transfer students took their precious time to share their “Why Vanderbilt” answers with us. They discuss academics and campus atmosphere. One touches upon sustainability efforts this academic year. Enjoy! I. A Junior’s Response Majors:Child Studies and Psychology Hometown: Shanghai, China Intended Career: Bilingual teacher “I transferred to Vandy when...

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Last set of classes of undergrad!

Jan. 8, 2020—I’ll be honest, it was actually kind of difficult finalizing which classes I would take this semester. I finished all of my requirements, so I had a lot of freedom in deciding what to take. The hardest part was narrowing them down to fit 12 credit hours. All the classes I’ll be in this semester...

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TDS 2019 – Reflections

Nov. 14, 2019—The Diwali Showcase (TDS) is a massive cultural showcase put on by the student organization, South Asian Cultural Exchange (SACE). It’s a super cool event because students from various backgrounds, not just South Asian, come together to learn a dance, increase their cultural understanding, and perform in Langford Auditorium. Check out this Hustler article that...

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What I’ll Miss the Most About Vanderbilt

Nov. 3, 2019—As senior year continues on, I feel more and more reflective about the experiences I have throughout my time at Vandy. There are a lot of things I’m going to miss about this place, so I thought I’d share those with you all who are wondering about life here or curious about the student culture....

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Senior Year Bucket List

Sep. 8, 2019—As senior year gets rolling, there are a number of things I want to accomplish before the end of the year. To be completely honest, some of these are borrowed from my junior year bucket list as there were a handful of activities that I didn’t end up doing (sometimes life gets in the way...

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First Day of Senior Year!!!

Dec. 21, 2018—Here. We. Go.

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Last Undergraduate Classes!

Nov. 1, 2017—There’s nothing like registering for your last undergraduate classes to make you feel ancient! However, registering for classes as a senior means getting all the classes you want, even some of the most popular Econ classes! I’m done with AXLE requirements and my Corporate Strategy minor, so I just need to take 15 hours to finish...

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The Bestest SeniorFest

Sep. 18, 2014—So many fun things happen on Alumni Lawn. From free Bradley's Curbside Creamery ice cream on Wednesday to the exciting opening Founder's Walk, Alumni Lawn is the place to be. Plus, they have perfect grass, so it's great for picnicking and corn-hole and all those nice things. Oh wait, we just did that at the Seniorfest!

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My PreVU Story

May. 19, 2014—The college search process is not an easy one. Trust me, I know. A few years ago, I was in the same place that many readers may find themselves in now—approaching the end of junior year in high school, with a vague idea of where to apply, but no official campus tours to speak of....

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