Why Vanderbilt?
Mar. 27, 2012—Every once in a while I reminisce back to those wonderful (ha!) months of high school during which I googled different universities every day, wrote personal statements, and stressed about SAT scores…maybe more so now because soon I will have to do the same thing to apply to graduate school…and I remember discussions I had...
Vanderbilt ≥ Home?
Mar. 11, 2012—Only one semester into my life at Vanderbilt, I already feel like a seasoned veteran. Here are my 5 Reasons Why Vanderbilt ≥ Home. No offense mom!
Published? As an Undergraduate?
Feb. 6, 2012—There are many opportunities for Vanderbilt undergraduates in terms of being ‘published.’ Authoring or co-authoring an academic work can help enhance a graduate school or job application or even just be a cool random fact. At Vanderbilt, we have the opportunity to be published by simply completing the mandatory course work.
Spring Classes
Jan. 20, 2012—It’s weird to think I’ve only been back at Vandy for two weeks, because I already feel like I have my routine set—which is good considering I finalized my schedule only a week ago. So far, I’m pretty happy with my picks:
Reasons to Return to Vanderbilt
Jan. 3, 2012—After studying abroad, I further fell in love with Poland. I’m not the only one to fall in love with the place, though, as many of my fellow students in my program were also not ready to leave Poland; they were ready to go home and see the people they missed, but not necessarily leave...
My Hopes for the Spring of 2012
Dec. 29, 2011—First, let me say that I am beyond pumped about this coming semester! Sitting at home, not so far from campus, I have some hopes for what I expect my semester to be like.
Busting through the Finish Line; or, My End of the Year Wrap Up
Dec. 9, 2011—This semester has undoubtedly been one for the books. Multiple changes of majors, a complete change of requirements, dropped courses, favorite courses, and another finished semester!
The Wonders of Skype
Dec. 6, 2011—For those of you curious, you can stay involved on campus while you are abroad. Obviously, you cannot reach the same extent of involvement, and it greatly relies on your ability to deal with time differences, but it is very possible and rewarding!
Acting for an “A”
Dec. 6, 2011—For my Fundamentals of Theatre class, the final project was performing a short scene for the entire class. We were not simply given a script and told what to do by our professor, but rather the performances were entirely student-run.
A Carnivalesque Thanksgiving
Nov. 26, 2011—This semester I am taking a course in the French department called “From Carnival to Carnivalesque.” It is taught by an amazing professor, Dr. Robert Barsky. But, don’t let him catch me calling him Dr. such-and-such. He prefers to go by Bob.