The City. The Degree. The SEC.
Dec. 1, 2015—How growing up in a family of college football fanatics paired with my desire to go to top university to bring me, and bring many other SEC loving students, here to Vanderbilt.
On Marathons (The Unfun, non-Netflix Kind)
Nov. 27, 2015—Here’s the thing about running a marathon. This might surprise you—it’s a really novel realization—but somewhere around mile 21, I started to realize that marathons are really, really long.
Walking in Nashville…For Class
Nov. 25, 2015—A short overview of my amazing first-year writing seminar!
A Tourist in my Own City
Nov. 15, 2015—Whether it's in Barcelona or in Nashville, take some time and be a tourist in your own city once in a while.
Showtunes, Sweepstakes, and the Symphony (Thanks, Nashville!)
Nov. 10, 2015—In my continuous effort to explore every corner of Nashville, I attended a special Broadway-themed performance of the Nashville Symphony (featuring a real-life Disney princess!) and didn't pay a cent.
Nashville Nights & Stunning Sights
Oct. 21, 2015—Hey everyone! As some of my fellow bloggers have already mentioned, last week was Fall Break (which was definitely much needed–and appreciated–after a hectic few weeks of midterms and papers). Seeing as going home to England was just a little bit too far away for a four-day break, I decided to spend Fall Break having a...
A “Typical” Weekend
Oct. 15, 2015—I don't even know what to expect from my weekends anymore, but a little surprise never hurt anyone.