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Done with finals!

Dec. 14, 2019—My penultimate finals season is officially over! This was one of the most chill finals seasons I’ve had, but it sure feels nice to be relaxing at home now instead of having to worry about school for a few weeks. I thoroughly enjoyed my last fall semester at Vandy and I’m looking forward to next...

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Medicine, Health & Society Major (MHS)

Oct. 15, 2019—If you’ve done any research on Vanderbilt, you probably know by now that we do not have a public health major. This initially posed a big problem for me because I have always been interested in health, wellness, and the disparities that come with health and medicine. I then discovered the Medicine, Health & Society...

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Ashli Takes on Senior Year

Aug. 29, 2019—Honestly, I cannot believe that I have just started my senior year at Vanderbilt. Time has truly flown by between my classes, clubs, and various social events. I am thankful to be beginning my seventh semester and making it this far, but at the same time, I am sad to be saying goodbye to Vanderbilt...

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Senior Schedule Semester 1!

Aug. 28, 2019—Now that I’ve been to all of my classes at least once, my schedule is finalized. Keep reading to see what my class schedule looks like as a 1st-semester senior! I must say, this is my most academically relaxed semester since coming to college because I had to front-load many of my rigorous courses. 12...

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An Average Vandy Day

Jan. 26, 2019—Many Vanderbilt students are very busy between classes, extracurricular activities, and hanging out with their friends. So, if you would like to know what my average day looks like, here is a small look into a typical day in my life! On Mondays and Wednesdays, I stop by Rand on my way to class to...

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Semester #6

Jan. 11, 2019—Believe it or not, this is my sixth semester here at Vanderbilt! I have learned so much over these past two and a half years, but of course, I still have a lot to learn. So, here’s a quick mid-year update on me:   This semester I am taking Introduction to Literary and Cultural Analysis,...

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Done with the first week of 2nd semester!

Jan. 11, 2019—Now that my schedule for the semester has been finalized, I can share my spring course schedule with you all! Here’s what my week looks like: Physics 1601: Though I took this class last semester, I am retaking it to improve my grade. A nice thing about retaking courses at Vandy is that if it...

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2 More Weeks!

Aug. 5, 2018—It is August 5th, meaning there are 2 weeks left until move-in (for junior year – wait what? already? dang)! This summer went by kinda fast, but I’ve enjoyed the break from the busy-ness of campus life. Last night, after a grueling total of 28 hours of travel from seeing family in Turkey I am...

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Another Update on Me

Mar. 6, 2018—2018 has definitely started off as a very busy but exciting year! This is my first full semester as a Medicine, Health, and Society (MHS) major, which basically means that I had priority in choosing MHS classes this semester. Currently, my concentration for my major is in Global Health, and I can’t wait to see...

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Spring Classes

Jan. 28, 2018—The spring semester has been off to a great start! I am a bit late in posting about my classes, but nevertheless, here is a my schedule for the next few months! Intro to Archaeology (ANTH 1201W): Mondays and Wednesdays 8:45-10:00 am Mainly taking this class for the writing requirement, and the fact that it...

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