An Average Vandy Day
Many Vanderbilt students are very busy between classes, extracurricular activities, and hanging out with their friends. So, if you would like to know what my average day looks like, here is a small look into a typical day in my life!

On Mondays and Wednesdays, I stop by Rand on my way to class to get a smoothie from 2301! In my smoothies, I put strawberries, blueberries, spinach, and apple juice. It’s delicious, and I drink it on my way to class on Commons. My first class of the day is Intro to Literary and Cultural Analysis, which counts for the 1000W requirement for AXLE (liberal core requirements for the College of Arts and Science).
Next, I walk back to Rand for lunch at the Deli line. I usually get a spinach wrap with ham and cheese, homemade chips, and either a veggie or Rand cookie. My friends also eat lunch at this time, so it is a great time for us to talk about our days and pick up packages from the mail station.

My next class isn’t for a few hours, so I either go to the gym or finish up some last-minute homework. This break is a little long, but I try to be productive during it. My next class is Global Health Principles and Practices on main campus, so not far from my dorm. This course counts towards my concentration in Global Health for my MHS major.
After class, I get dinner with my friends and work on homework for the next day. Sometimes, I have a meeting or rehearsal in the evening, but not every single day. These meetings are usually for my student organizations, such as New Dawn, Voices of Praise, or Melanated.
I hope that this gave you some insight into what a day at Vanderbilt looks like for me. If you have any questions about my day, major, or various activities, feel free to contact me at!