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Vanderbilt Naval ROTC (Freshman Perspective)

Jan. 27, 2021—Since NROTC was one of the biggest factors in my decision to attend Vanderbilt, I wanted to write a little bit about my experience with the program thus far. I am a Midshipman Fourth Class (MIDN 4/C), which is what all the first-year midshipmen are ranked. As one moves up in class, it goes from...

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I went to PREVAIL!

Sep. 21, 2019—You’re probably wondering what PREVAIL is. PREVAIL is a leadership conference for Vanderbilt students who identify as women. It was an amazing opportunity that came at the right time for me. We’ve gotten to that point in the semester where everyone has so much work to do and we all needed a reminder that, “We...

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Organizing a big event

May. 6, 2019—I recently took on a new role on the board of an organization on campus. I went from Health & Beauty chair to Public Relations Chair. Therefore, my responsibilities and the amount of emails I receive has increased, especially because we hold our biggest event in the spring. We had to get food catered, book...

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Senior Sophie Reflects: Role As A Student Leader

Dec. 21, 2018—Senior Sophie just reflecting on trying to make other people smile

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Student Orgs for Days

Nov. 7, 2015—“College XYZ has over 300 student-run clubs and organizations. If you can’t find one that you like, you can start your own!” If you’re a high school senior, you’ve probably heard some form of this declaration way too many times during an info session or campus tour. Colleges love to talk about how involved their...

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EVOLVE is Present Tense

Oct. 24, 2014—After eight weeks, EVOLVE has come to an end. We've explored ACCESS and accomplished the following goals: Examine and describe personal leadership style; develop relationships with peers through cluster and 1:1 meetings; identify, explore, and apply personal strengths; apply Leadership Excellence Philosophy to our Vanderbilt experience.

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Loading ACCESS… 50% Completed

Sep. 25, 2014—I find myself at the mid-point of the EVOLVE leadership development program, introduced in a previous post. In clusters of four and as a cohort of 36, we completed A for Accountable, C for Collaborative, and a second C for Communicative. Each letter is part of an acronym that encapsulates the Office of Student Leadership...

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Everyday I’m Hustlin’

Aug. 22, 2014—‘Twas the night before FDOC (first day of classes) and all through my suite every creature was stirring in anticipation, except me because I wasn't there. Why, you may ask? Well, Tuesday was the very last day of summer, so naturally I spent the day like I did most days this summer — hard at work.

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An Army Summer, Part 2

Jul. 30, 2013—More than once in recent posts I’ve hinted at the great adventure that is the Leadership Development and Assessment Course (LDAC). A 29-day getaway in the woods of Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington, LDAC is the culminating event of three years of ROTC, meant to evaluate all rising seniors in the program nationwide for the purposes...

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An Army Summer, Part 1

Jul. 27, 2013—I’m handwriting this post from atop an M1A2 Abrams tank somewhere on Fort Riley, Kansas!

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