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‘anchor down’

What It Means to Anchor Down

Nov. 19, 2018—College, much like life, is overwhelming. So much gets thrown at you in the first few months! You have to drag yourself to meals, meet and live with hundreds of new strangers, and figure out how to pass Gen Chem  – all without your parents. It’s so easy to get thrown off balance and feel...

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Welcome to the Class of 2019!

Mar. 22, 2015—CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL THE NEWLY ADMITTED MEMBERS OF THE CLASS OF 2019! Welcome to Vanderbilt; we’re so excited to have you!

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An End to 4 Years of Football

Dec. 1, 2014—With Vanderbilt’s last game of the season against Tennessee, it capped the last football game of my undergraduate career. Sure, by the end of the Tennessee game, I was bitter that we had not finished the season with a win, losing by a narrow margin of 7 points. But, it was time for the season...

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A Difficult Transition

Sep. 10, 2014—There’s a burning sensation in my heart and I don’t think its because I just took a Biochemistry exam. No, this is the kind of heartache that you go to see a cardiologist about. These deep pains originate from the one thing I love: Vanderbilt Football. The past two weeks have been rough. Actually, calling...

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Spring Fever vs. Finals: The Ultimate Struggle

Apr. 27, 2014—Tips and advice gained from my ongoing quest to be productive amidst way too much perfect weather, too many exciting events, and so many wonderful people.

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Vanderbilt Football Bowl Announcement Party

Dec. 10, 2013—This Sunday night, my sister, some friends and I took a study break to ANCHOR DOWN at the bowl announcement party. This event, which has become an annual tradition, celebrates the accomplishments of the football team and announces where the Commodores will play their bowl game. Vice Chancellor Williams, Chancellor Zeppos and Coach Franklin spoke...

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Hanging Out with the SEC

Jan. 22, 2013—The title of this post might lead you to think that I am about to tell you something about sports. Well, my friend, I must inform you that you are unfortunately incorrect, because though the SEC is a classification typically associated with sports, this weekend consisted of my journey to another SEC school to meet with students from other BCMs (Baptist Collegiate Ministries).

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I’m Wide Awake

Nov. 12, 2012—This past weekend, I took a vacation. After a hectic week in which I had three midterms and a nine minute speech all within the span of five days, I needed some time off to regain my sanity. Sure, I could have waited a week and relaxed over Thanksgiving Break. But, a better opportunity presented itself.

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