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‘Alumni Lawn’

Vanderbilt Commencement 2019

May. 12, 2019—Vanderbilt’s graduation is a very exciting three-day event full of various celebrations, speakers, and festivities. This year, I had many friends graduating, so I stayed on campus to celebrate their big moment with them! Here are some need-to-know details regarding Vanderbilt’s Commencement: 1. Plan Ahead Commencement festivities begin on the Wednesday before graduation, so if...

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Random Fall Concerts in Nashville

Nov. 4, 2016—There are so many concerts that happen in Nashville. Here are some of the ones that I've been to this semester.

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Happiness in Color

Apr. 10, 2016—If you walk across Alumni Lawn at any given time on any given day during the school year, you’ll be able to see two things. The first is me eating at Bamboo Bistro (come say hi. I’m literally there every day). The second is some kind of indication of what cool event is happening on...

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The Bestest SeniorFest

Sep. 18, 2014—So many fun things happen on Alumni Lawn. From free Bradley's Curbside Creamery ice cream on Wednesday to the exciting opening Founder's Walk, Alumni Lawn is the place to be. Plus, they have perfect grass, so it's great for picnicking and corn-hole and all those nice things. Oh wait, we just did that at the Seniorfest!

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Mark your calendars, Spring has begun!

Mar. 12, 2014—Every spring semester here at Vandy, there is one day that stands out as undoubtedly the first beautiful day. That day was yesterday… Mark your calendars, March 11, Spring has officially begun at Vandy!

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Sep. 13, 2013—It might seem like I'm talking about being a senior a lot, but that's because it's pretty awesome.

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Rites 2013

Apr. 26, 2013—As a resident of Alumni Lawn, I didn’t even have to leave my dorm room to hear Rites this year! During the days leading up to Rites, I saw the entire structure being built, along with fences set up around Alumni Lawn, building the excitement for the two day event. This year’s Rites was the...

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I love the contrasts Rites of Spring brings

Apr. 21, 2013—This weekend was tons of fun, thanks to Rites of Spring :) I loved going last year as a freshman and staying the entire time, but I think I enjoyed popping in and out more this spring. The entire atmosphere of the event is pretty relaxed, like your typical music festival—the bands perform enthusiastically, people bring coolers and sit on picnic blankets, and there are several food trucks and tables where people can buy T-shirts, drinks, or food...

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Dizzy Bat, Part 3

Mar. 26, 2013—As you should all know by now, Caitlyn and I are pros at Dizzy Bat...and by that I mean we're great at coaching other people and then laughing when Caitlyn tries (and fails) once a year.

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Housing Options

Mar. 1, 2013—Housing applications begin right after spring break for everyone except the incoming class. While all the first years are automatically assigned to a house on Commons, everyone else gets the choice of where they want to live. Here are all of the options!

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