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Thanksgiving Break Category


Nov. 29, 2019—Probably one of my favorite things at Vanderbilt is that we get a week-long Thanksgiving Break! At this point in the semester, I know I’m almost on the verge of burning out and this break always comes at a much needed time to (mostly) relax for an entire week and spend time with family and...

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Things I’m Thankful For

Nov. 29, 2018—It might be week late, but in spirit of Thanksgiving and pre finals szn, I wanted to make a list of what I’m thankful for! Being surrounded by amazing people: Vanderbilt is such an awesome place because it brings so many incredible people together, whether that’s fellow students who become lifelong friends or erudite professors...

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A Late Thanksgiving Break Post

Dec. 8, 2017—Thanksgiving Break always seems to come at the perfect time in the semester. It is a chance to de-stress for an entire week and to spend time with family and friends. Even though I had to study for an Organic Chemistry test during part of my break, I still had a fantastic time with my...

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7 Days of Blogging: Fall 2017 Class Recap

Nov. 18, 2017—Happy (almost) Thanksgiving everyone! Partially as an exercise in gratitude and partially because I have an abundant amount of free time being home this week, I’m going to write one blog post a day for the next week in honor of my favorite place: Vandy! Before I start looking forward, I thought I’d take a...

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Send us yo questions (yo)

Jun. 23, 2017—Email your questions about anything, because we know it all (obviously). :) Even if we don't, we can always find someone who does.

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Will I Be Eating Tofurky?

Nov. 21, 2016—I always say that, as a vegetarian, I never ever have any trouble finding enough nutritious food for my meals and snacks here on campus.

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Sophie Druffner: My Life in GroupMe

Nov. 21, 2016—Since my phone is dead so often, GroupMe and email are my primary forms of communication. I’m 90% sure that everything in my life could be reduced into GroupMe, and actually, looking over this post now, I think that it has. (If you have further questions on the things mentioned here, check out the relevant...

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Why I Love Seeing so Many Vanderbilt Students on my Flight Home

Nov. 21, 2016—Every time I fly home from school for a vacation, I see so many Vanderbilt students both in the airport and, more specifically, on my flight! And this is so much fun.

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The Week Leading Up to Thanksgiving Break

Nov. 21, 2016—What is my magic trick to getting through a tough week of assignments before a much-anticipated vacation? Simple: Stay busy.

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Just do… everything! Status of Everything: Almost 37.5% Completed!

Nov. 20, 2016—The crazy life of college is on hold for these moments. It’s so nice to just sit back and relax. But Sophie, you may be wondering, what do you even do at Vanderbilt? Why is your life so crazy? Well, I’m a fan of lists. So let’s break it down.

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