Extracurriculars Category
Let the Nostalgic Posts Begin
Apr. 1, 2014—Well, this past Friday the Undergraduate Admissions Office was shut down because that was the day all of the admissions counselors ceremoniously (kind of) sent out letters to accepted students! It just really got me to thinking about my Vandy decision. So rather than catch you people up on the past 3 months of my life, let's go back a couple of years to the time when the college game was exciting and relevant for me.
But But But I’m Not Ready To Go Home
Apr. 1, 2014—Heather complains, makes more bad puns, and mentions something about puppies.
The Final SPOTS: Chicago
Mar. 17, 2014—I'm still alive, promise. They make you think second semester senior year is going to be this blissful stress-free moment in your life where you have all the free time in the world to blog, but boy are "they" wrong! That being said, this semester is busy in the most wonderful of ways--but more on that later. First, let me catch you up on my spring break!
Editor’s Note:
Mar. 17, 2014—Where I attempt to fill you in on the following: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness/endless extracurricular involvement. Plus, some big Inside 'Dores news!
Spring Break and Virginia Indians
Mar. 9, 2014—For spring break this year, I had the opportunity to spend a week at the Monacan tribal center in Amherst, Virginia. The Monacan Indians are an eastern woodlands Siouxan tribe, and today they live around Bear Mountain. "We're here to help spread the knowledge that the Monacans and the other Indian nations are still alive and trying to preserve their culture. We can help educate those around us."
Rock-Climbing with WilSkills
Feb. 23, 2014—My first two WilSkills trips (Backpacking III and IV) involved a 40-pound pack and lots of walking, but my third trip involved ropes and scaling rock faces! This past weekend, I joined the great WilSkills for an excursion to Red River Gorge in Kentucky. I had never climbed before, not even in an indoor gym,...
Gathering a Drop of Water: A South Africa Summer
Feb. 20, 2014—In preparation for this summer's OACS Global Service project in South Africa, our group met for the first seminar.
How to Get Rich and NOT Die Tryin
Feb. 17, 2014—When I say the words: college student. what is the first thing that you think of? Maybe you're philosophical and all that and think: "the future." Me? Not so much. The first word I think of is poor. Poor College Student. These two go perfectly together, like teenage girls and vampires. Here is my guide to get rich but not die tryin'.
A WilSkills-Wonderful Weekend
Feb. 10, 2014—This weekend, I had yet another WilSkills adventure. In a group of eleven, I backpacked the Spence-Russell Loop and part of the AT to Mollie's Field Shelter, a fifteen-mile round-trip. We hiked through rushing mountain streams, through frozen snow and through low clouds. We gave each other nicknames and threw snowballs.
Salvage the Bones
Feb. 7, 2014—Every year, the incoming first-year class is united through a Commons Reading. This summer reading is assigned in hopes to foster a discussion between students during their first few weeks at Vanderbilt