Nashville Category
I’m Wide Awake
Nov. 12, 2012—This past weekend, I took a vacation. After a hectic week in which I had three midterms and a nine minute speech all within the span of five days, I needed some time off to regain my sanity. Sure, I could have waited a week and relaxed over Thanksgiving Break. But, a better opportunity presented itself.
NashTrash Murder Mystery Tour
Nov. 9, 2012—I know that I always talk about CityVU because it is one of my favorite student groups here on campus. Last night, CityVU rented out the NashTrash bus for a private Murder Mystery tour. Due to last minutes cancellations, my room mate and I got to go!
Phi Lamb Semiformal!
Nov. 8, 2012—This past Saturday was one of my favorite weekends of the semester. My sorority, Sigma Phi Lambda (the Christian sorority on campus) hosted our annual semiformal! It was a fun-filled night of line dancing, desserts, and more all planned by yours truly.
Symphonie Fantastique
Nov. 7, 2012—So what better for Blair kids to do on their Friday night than go to the Schermerhorn Symphony Center for a delightful evening of music? We boarded the bus downtown, and when we arrived, we saw around half of our school there. From the pianists to violists to vocalists to horn players, the Blair School of Music had invaded the Nashville Symphony. Yes, that is what we music majors do to kick off our weekends.
Chicago – My Journey Outside the Vandy Bubble
Nov. 5, 2012—Last weekend I got to take a trip to Chicago to visit one of my best friends! I’d only been to Chicago once before and I hadn't really had time to explore it thoroughly, so I was super-excited!
The CMA’s!
Nov. 2, 2012—Last year after the CMA's I heard from friends that anyone can stand outside the CMA's red carpet and see stars as they walk in. I'm not a huge country fan, but I absolutely love Taylor Swift. I was bummed that I missed out last year, but I was determined to go this year. So Thursday night I headed downtown with my friend Daniel in hopes of seeing Tswift.
My Taste of Home
Nov. 1, 2012—This past weekend at Vanderbilt was extra-awesome!!! But you won't know why unless you read about it here!
Halloween at the TPAC
Nov. 1, 2012—Last night was one of the best Halloweens I have ever had because, thanks to Vanderbilt, I got to go see a show at the Tennessee Performing Arts Center (TAPC) for free!
Halloween in College
Oct. 31, 2012—Halloween has been one of my favorite holidays for as long as I can remember. Last year Halloween kind of crept up on me, but this year I was ready to celebrate!
Fall Festivities
Oct. 27, 2012—Friday night my friends and I planned on going to a corn maze, but unfortunately it was closed because of bad weather. So instead we had a fun night of dinner and painting pumpkins!