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Housing Category

An Ode to Towers

Aug. 26, 2017—Have you ever wondered what upperclassmen housing at Vanderbilt looks like? Here’s a photo blog post about my room in one of the four Towers on main campus, my last dorm room as an undergraduate (and a random picture of my textbooks)!  

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Looking Forward to Fall Semester

Aug. 6, 2017—With summer winding down, it’s time for me to start preparing for the new school year. Although I’ve had an amazing and relaxing summer, there are more than a few things about moving back to Vandy that I am looking forward to. First of all, I will be living in Towers this year, and my...

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Send us yo questions (yo)

Jun. 23, 2017—Email your questions about anything, because we know it all (obviously). :) Even if we don't, we can always find someone who does.

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I’m Back! With… The Eleven Things I learned Sophomore Year

May. 15, 2017—Sophomore year hit me hard, but sometimes, the hardest hits make the biggest impacts for the better. Welcome to a new series: The Eleven Things I learned Sophomore Year

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Housing 101

Apr. 12, 2017—With room selection in full swing for current students here at Vanderbilt, the memories of selecting roommates and preparing to live in a dorm community flooded mine and my friends’ minds. Out of our close circle of friends, six are living in a suite in Kissam, a dorm acclaimed for its fantastic food selection and...

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The Truth about Move-In

Mar. 15, 2017—Personally, I remember every moment of Move-In Day. This is not because it was traumatic or because it was underwhelming. I remember every detail simply because I was overwhelmed, terrified, yet excited at the same time. I remember driving into the parking lot and anxiously sitting next to the hot pink flags that represented Crawford...

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Zeppos – Not Your Average Chancellor

Mar. 10, 2017—As a Vandy student, it can sometimes feel difficult and even intimidating to get engaged with the faculty. My first class at Vandy was a Microeconomics lecture with over 200 students, and I remember moments when I would want to ask a question or even just ask my professor to repeat a certain topic, and...

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The One Where Matthew Talks about His Classes

Feb. 5, 2017—[Disclaimer: I don’t actually talk about Friends, I just wanted to have a catchy title.] Continuing the excitement from the previous article, I’d like to talk about academics and residential life (which isn’t nearly as exciting, but stick with me on this)! There has been plenty in this realm to keep me busy, but I...

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Sophie Druffner: My Life in GroupMe

Nov. 21, 2016—Since my phone is dead so often, GroupMe and email are my primary forms of communication. I’m 90% sure that everything in my life could be reduced into GroupMe, and actually, looking over this post now, I think that it has. (If you have further questions on the things mentioned here, check out the relevant...

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Celebrations in Mayfield 17

Nov. 20, 2016—Mayfield life is becoming more exciting now that we've held out first event and are planning more!

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