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Housing 101

Posted by on Wednesday, April 12, 2017 in Commons, General Information, Housing, Living Learning Community, Student Life.

With room selection in full swing for current students here at Vanderbilt, the memories of selecting roommates and preparing to live in a dorm community flooded mine and my friends’ minds. Out of our close circle of friends, six are living in a suite in Kissam, a dorm acclaimed for its fantastic food selection and new, nice rooms. Another four are living in a Highland Quad, which is close to the Recreation Center, new Engineering Science building, and Blair School of Music. And, as of 5:32 this evening, my roommate and I will be on the seventh floor of Lupton, a dorm in Branscomb quad, a popular housing option for sophomores. With our new housing, we will be less than a minute from Grins, our favorite restaurant (both being vegetarians, my roommate and I appreciate having a vegetarian restaurant so nearby), as well as just across the street from my sorority house (#sisterhood).

Another benefit of living in Branscomb next year is that we will be centrally located on campus, and very close to all the science buildings, which is great for my roommate as a Biomedical and Chemical Engineering double major. For me, this is still great, mainly because I will be in a couple science classes, and being near food is a main priority regardless of my distance from classes. However, since Neuroscience and Psychology, the two majors I am pursuing, have classes all across campus, I will continue to madly dash from one side of Vanderbilt to the next in ten minute increments throughout the day to make it to class.

Moving into a new dorm will be exciting, but we will definitely miss our home in Gillette house on the Commons. The community we have formed with other Gillettians, especially our hallmates, has been a critical part of our freshman year experience. From Gillette Gelato every Wednesday to dinners with our faculty head of house Dr. Dobson to long nights spent in the lobby studying for tests, our time as a dorm has been full of memories. But now, it’s almost time to leave. Goodbye Gillette, thank you for everything you have given us this year; to our future hallmates on the seventh floor of Lupton, get excited for a great year!

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