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General Information Category

Semester #6

Jan. 11, 2019—Believe it or not, this is my sixth semester here at Vanderbilt! I have learned so much over these past two and a half years, but of course, I still have a lot to learn. So, here’s a quick mid-year update on me:   This semester I am taking Introduction to Literary and Cultural Analysis,...

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Spring 2019 Class Overview

Jan. 7, 2019—It’s spring semester already! Time here at Vandy is flying by, so I’m making yet another semesterly post on the classes I have the opportunity to take here. I’m particularly excited for this semester because I’m getting to take classes more specific to my majors now that I’ve mostly completed all of my pre-medical requirements....

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For the Love of Books

Jan. 4, 2019—Is it just me, or has it become much harder to read for fun nowadays? With demands of rigorous schoolwork, extracurricular activity responsibilities, and life getting busier in general, it feels like we need to make more of an effort to practice certain hobbies. This post is in part inspired by a snippet of a...

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Plans for Next Semester

Dec. 28, 2018—Winter break is almost over and I’ve gotten some much needed sleep! I’ve also had time to reflect on my first semester at Vanderbilt and I’m surprised at how much I’ve grown and improved in many areas of my life. I’ve also realized that there’s a lot of room for improvement especially in my studying...

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Top Three Moments of Fall 2018

Dec. 28, 2018—Without a doubt, this semester has been very busy for me academically and socially. However, those late nights of studying and weeks where I was constantly on the go definitely paid off in the end! After reflecting on my semester, here are my top three favorite moments from the semester (in no particular order, of...

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First Day of Senior Year!!!

Dec. 21, 2018—Here. We. Go.

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How To Reflect On Our Time at Vanderbilt Over Break

Dec. 19, 2018—Winter break in college is one of the best things. Ever. It is one of the few times of year that without homework, club responsibilities, or social obligations, we can take a step back from our time at Vanderbilt to reflect on what we really liked about our semesters, and what we hope to change...

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How to Make Your Dorm Room Feel Like Home

Dec. 9, 2018—Dorm room shopping is one of the most memorable and exciting parts of starting your college journey; everyone remembers their first dorm room and all the fun they had shopping for just the right things to put in it.  Having the opportunity to decorate a space that is (almost) all your own is a big...

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Green (and Orange) Walks

Dec. 2, 2018—Walking across campus is electric; people are in constant motion going to one activity or another, the buildings all hum with academic energy, and the sun radiates down on the whole scene. The constantly available stimulus of people and papers is enough to capture anyone’s attention for a lifetime. The last thing on anyone’s mind...

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Things I’m Thankful For

Nov. 29, 2018—It might be week late, but in spirit of Thanksgiving and pre finals szn, I wanted to make a list of what I’m thankful for! Being surrounded by amazing people: Vanderbilt is such an awesome place because it brings so many incredible people together, whether that’s fellow students who become lifelong friends or erudite professors...

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