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Food Category

A Typical Weekend At Vanderbilt

Jan. 20, 2020—College is filled with many long nights of studying, many hours in the library, many minutes spent in class, and a lot of other stressful events. However, Vanderbilt is not all hard work and stress! You’ve probably seen many movies that make it seem like college is all fun and games, which is definitely not...

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Food!!! (ft. cooking in college)

Jan. 2, 2020—Happy New Year everyone! One of my New Years Resolutions is to continue to cook more and eat healthier. I started meal prepping more this semester and it’s probably one of the things I’m most proud of. The best part about the dorms on Vandy campus is that there are kitchens easily accessible by all...

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Welcoming the Class of 2023

Sep. 1, 2019—If you know me in the slightest, you know that I spend a great deal of my time at Vanderbilt thinking about the first-year experience and how to improve it. That is why I’m involved with VUcept, our first-year mentorship program on campus. Every year, VUceptors help new students orient themselves to campus when they...

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Food? Food!

May. 19, 2019—Everybody here likes food, right? That’s what I thought.  Lucky for you, Vanderbilt has some fantastic dining options, ranging from classic burgers and chicken tendies to Vietnamese phở and protein health bowls. The range of options is only superseded by their deliciousness. But I don’t want to tease you; Here is a small selection of...

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My Favorite Meal for Dinner

Feb. 3, 2019—One of my favorite places to get dinner on campus is at 2301. 2301 is an allergen friendly dining option located in Rand. It has ingredients free from the top eight allergens. They offer smoothies, salads, sautés, and sides. When first come up to 2301, you will choose whether to go into the smoothie line or...

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Surviving Rand at Noon

Jan. 23, 2019—It’s Monday afternoon, it’s 12:10 PM and your second class of the day just ended, and like any other college student- you’re starving. So, what do you do? You head to Rand with the hundreds of other students that just got out of class; ready to grab some food and hang out with your friends....

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My Junior Year Bucket List

Oct. 22, 2018—Being halfway through my time at Vanderbilt has caused me to really think about what I’d like to do before I graduate with a renewed sense of urgency (only 2 years to do it all!). So, both for the sake of documenting my bucket list for myself and to give you all a sense of...

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Food, Food, and More Food

Apr. 18, 2018—Anyone who knows me well, knows that food is truly my first love. I have always loved trying new restaurants, and that has definitely not changed while attending college. So far, I’ve tried at least a dozen different restaurants in Nashville. I have enjoyed so many, but I have somehow managed to narrow it down...

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Change is the Only Constant

Jan. 28, 2018—Vanderbilt is a place of constant change — the Vanderbilt I saw in 2014 when I first came to campus is not the Vanderbilt I’m living at in 2018! Here’s a quick summary of just some of the changes I’ve personally witnessed over my four years as a student: Housing The changes in Vanderbilt’s housing are...

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7 Days of Blogging: The Best Ways To Destress During Finals

Nov. 20, 2017—While Thanksgiving break is far from over, I will admit that my mind has been on the finals I’ll have to take before coming home at the end of the semester. However, while it is easy for college students to get too focused on exams to prioritize their sleep, friendships, and overall wellbeing, my goal...

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