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Finals Category

My Career Plans

Feb. 17, 2020—As you will know if you’ve read my other posts, I am a neuroscience and psychology double major planning on attending medical school next year. I thought I would briefly discuss my future career plans so that you can understand how my time at Vanderbilt and beyond fits into the larger picture.   Broadly, my...

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Graduation: Thoughts and Feelings

Feb. 3, 2020—As a senior, I spend roughly half of my waking hours thinking about how much I’m going to miss Vanderbilt and how imminent graduation feels. I don’t think this is an uncommon sentiment among seniors, but I thought it would be nice to reflect a bit on my thoughts and feelings as my time at...

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5 College Study Tips

Jan. 22, 2020—Vanderbilt is a great place but can be difficult at times, just like any other university. I am now a junior and have learned valuable study tips throughout my time at Vanderbilt. Here are my top 5 study tips for an incoming freshman: Get a planner. In high school, I wrote everything down on my phone...

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Summer 2020 Preview

Jan. 20, 2020—If you’ve been following this blog for a while, you’ll know that I post updates each year on how I’m planning to spend my summer break. As this will be my final summer before medical school, I’m definitely trying to make the most of it and relax as much as possible before my next academic...

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Spring Semester Look-Ahead

Dec. 18, 2019—With Fall semester wrapped up, there is only a few weeks before Spring semester begins! With Spring comes a whole new semester of activities and events. If you’re interested in what Spring semester at Vanderbilt looks like, here’s a look-ahead at what to expect, both on-campus and around Nashville: Basketball season: Tailgate season and football...

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Done with finals!

Dec. 14, 2019—My penultimate finals season is officially over! This was one of the most chill finals seasons I’ve had, but it sure feels nice to be relaxing at home now instead of having to worry about school for a few weeks. I thoroughly enjoyed my last fall semester at Vandy and I’m looking forward to next...

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The End of Freshman Year: Finals, NFL Draft, and Fun

May. 1, 2019—Happy May! I know that today is college decision day so congratulations to everyone who will be attending college this fall, and welcome to all of the Vanderbilt Class of ’23 freshmen! I am currently writing from home because freshman year is over for me! I got lucky with my finals schedule and only had...

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Moving Out!

Apr. 30, 2019—Vanderbilt offers students two weeks at the end of the second semester to take final exams and move out. This allows for flexibility in move out times so you do not have to stress about finals and moving out at the same time. Also, moving out is much less stressful because everyone is moving out...

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Surviving Finals – Reserving Library Rooms

Apr. 30, 2019—Finals season is here, which means that the library and every study spot will be a lot more crowded than usual. One of my favorite parts of going to a small school is that you can always find a place to study, even during the most popular times of the year. One of the best...

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A Musical Weekend

Apr. 15, 2019—Over the weekend I had the chance to attend many musical events including the Nashville Orchestra’s performance of Tchaikovsky’s Fourth Symphony, Vanderbilt Commodore Orchestra’s Spring Concert, and the Rites of Spring concert. I did have some work but most of the intense studying will start later this week as we prepare for finals. Coming to...

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