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A Guide to Picking a Roommate

May. 30, 2019—Picking a roommate can be a daunting task. Sometimes picking a roommate can feel like speed dating. Whoever you pick is someone that you will be cohabitating with for the whole year, and for many people, it is their first time sharing a room with someone else. While it is true that you don’t necessarily...

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Being Musical at Vandy (Even if You’re Not)

Apr. 21, 2019—If you’ve read any of my other blogs, you know that I love being in Nashville as much as I love going to Vanderbilt. And a big part of Nashville is music. Even though I’m not musically inclined at all (besides that clarinet I rocked throughout middle school), there’s still a ton of opportunities around...

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The Best Restaurants in Nashville for Students

Apr. 17, 2019—Campus dining is great, but sometimes it’s nice to eat food off campus. One of the best things about Vanderbilt is the Taste of Nashville program, which allows students to eat at restaurants around Nashville and pay using meal money or commodore cash. Based on careful research throughout the year (just kidding, just me and...

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10 Essentials that Need to Come to College With You

Apr. 11, 2019—Moving from your home into a dorm room can be hard. Suddenly, you have to transport all of your belongings into a room that you are sharing with someone else. All the everyday items that you take for granted in your house have to be accounted for. To help alleviate some of the stress, I’ve...

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An Authentically Nashville Experience

Apr. 9, 2019—Living at Vanderbilt, it’s easy to forget that there’s a whole city beyond campus. But I think that one of the best things about going to Vanderbilt is the experience of living in a major city. More specifically, Music City. Nashville is a hub for music of all kinds, and it’s easy to get a...

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Vanderbilt’s Hidden Gems

Apr. 8, 2019—With freshman year coming to a close, and a new freshman class preparing to enter Vanderbilt’s class of 2023, I started thinking about the reasons why I love Vanderbilt so much. Even before coming to Vanderbilt, I knew there was a lot to love about it. But once I got here, I discovered a whole...

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Why It’s Okay to Change Your Mind about Your Major

Apr. 2, 2019—It has been about a week since regular decisions came out, so firstly, I want to say: Welcome new class of 2023! Being accepted to college is an exciting experience. After the excitement can often come uncertainty. All of a sudden, it seems that everyone wants you to make a decision that might affect the...

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A Finals Week Survival Guide

Dec. 7, 2018—It is finally that time of year. The week of the semester that students dread more than any other. Finals week. All of the effort and studying that has been put into the semester culminates in this final week, where we will be pushed to be the best students we can be. As I sit...

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