‘Writing Studio’
Applying to Graduate School 101
Jan. 28, 2020—Over the past summer and part of last semester, I devoted a significant amount of time to apply to graduate schools since I knew that I wanted to continue going to school after graduation. The process was pretty stressful for me, so I have created a few quick tips to hopefully help anyone else going...
My Writing Experiences at Vanderbilt (Part I)
Jan. 21, 2020—Happy Spring 2020! I hope everyone had a lovely winter break. During the break, I met with my family members, friends, and teachers, including my favorite middle school teacher who asked me about college writing. Her question and our following conversation resonated with a blog idea I had in Fall 2019: writing at Vanderbilt based...
Preparing for Senior Year
May. 1, 2019—I just finished my last exam for this semester, which makes me officially a senior at Vanderbilt! (Did I get anxiety writing this? Absolutely.) While I am excited to begin my last year at Vanderbilt, I am also a little nervous about what lies ahead. However, Vanderbilt offers many resources on campus to help with...
Building Skills Outside Your Academic Comfort Zone
Jul. 17, 2017—Have you ever wondered how English majors are such great writers, how Chemistry majors understand all those reactions, or how Human & Organizational Development majors all seem to be able to ace any presentation? As a neuroscience major, I have always been insanely impressed by my friends who are majoring in the humanities. My best...
The Write Way
Mar. 27, 2015—My personal experiences with college writing (and why you should go to the Writing Studio).
The Five Stages of Finals
Dec. 10, 2014—You may have heard about the different stages of grief. Here are my stages for Finals week.
A ‘First’ Class Semester
Nov. 26, 2014—As this semester draws to a close—and before the hurricane of finals week arrives—I thought it would be a good idea to tell y'all about my classes at Vanderbilt as well as the amazing professors I have had the pleasure of learning from.
The Writing Studio
Apr. 11, 2012—As a student in the College of Arts and Science, I am required to complete at least three writing based courses throughout my four years at Vanderbilt. One of these requirements is a First Year Writing Seminar. It might sound boring, but the topics are actually very interesting (For example, my class is about Disney!)....