‘The Pub’
The Week Leading Up to Thanksgiving Break
Nov. 21, 2016—What is my magic trick to getting through a tough week of assignments before a much-anticipated vacation? Simple: Stay busy.
Trivia, Trivia, Trivia
Jan. 16, 2015—It’s spring 2015 and I have finally arrived at the last semester of my Vanderbilt career. It has been a long journey but unfortunately it is time to call an end to my years as an undergraduate. How will I spend my last semester at Vanderbilt? I will make the most of the time that...
Nov. 9, 2014—I present to you the alphabet of vegetarian campus dining! After having been around the block a few times (ie. West End, 21st, Hillsboro Village) and all over campus, I’ve compiled this list of my favorite dishes at various locations. Everything can be bought on the meal plan as a meal swipe or with Meal...
Vegetarian @ Vanderbilt
Dec. 3, 2012—By chance it happened to be a vegetarian/vegan special dinner at Rand. Red pepper hummus, pita bread, some vegetable thing, some mushroom rice, african spiced carrots, tofu parm, squash soup.
Groundhog Day
Feb. 5, 2011—Wednesday, February 2nd, marked another year of America getting in touch with its agrarian roots and looking to nature for answers. Specifically, we look to a very special rodent named Punxsatawney Phil to predict the end of winter. At Vanderbilt, we celebrated Groundhog Day in a slightly different manner. First, whether through stunning coincidence or...