Good Eats

On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, I have an hour lunch break from 12-1pm. Unfortunately, so does most of Vanderbilt.
While both Rand and the Pub are delicious, they’re both pretty crowded right around that time, and I’m usually too hungry to wait. Last semester I casually ate lunch at 11am (and dinner around 5 pm, haha, a little earlier than some of my friends) so I avoided that problem.
Luckily I’ve recently discovered some other great places to grab lunch on campus that take meal plan:
Suzie’s Café in the Divinity School: Definitely my new fave! I’m a big wrap fan and they have a huge variety, not to mention all the panini options too. Fresh fruit, chips, and cookies are common sides and they also have most fountain drinks. I think I got out of class today at 12 and had my food ready by 12:10…it was awesome.
Central Library Café: This is my friend Deanna’s favorite because they always have really good muffins…which seems very random but today she got pumpkin chocolate chip and it looked delicious. They always have a few paninis and soup, but they also have a little refrigerator which holds sushi, salads, fruit, etc. I also really like their coffees and teas.
Last Drop Coffee Shop: This one isn’t exactly new to me but I thought I should mention it, because even though it’s located one story below Rand, it usually doesn’t take as long. They always have one panini, one soup, frozen yogurt, smoothies, and they serve Starbucks…enough said.
Even though it’s been an adjustment with my new, more popular lunch time, it’s forced me to explore all the great options Vanderbilt dining has (which I really should have done last year).