Groundhog Day
Wednesday, February 2nd, marked another year of America getting in touch with its agrarian roots and looking to nature for answers. Specifically, we look to a very special rodent named Punxsatawney Phil to predict the end of winter. At Vanderbilt, we celebrated Groundhog Day in a slightly different manner. First, whether through stunning coincidence or some weird association (Vanderbilt Student Groundhogs), the VSG Presidential Elections took place on Wednesday, a proud tradition of Vanderbilt in which the undergraduate students can create a peaceful transfer of power to a chosen candidate without violent uprisings. Unfortunately, my article wasn’t finished before voting ended, so I was unable to endorse myself as a write-in.
Secondly, Groundhog Day was celebrated in style at The Pub, one of Vandy’s premiere dining spots. In honor of Groundhog Day, the Pub offered special (enormous) burgers made of sausage, with all the other necessary accoutrements. How serving sausage burgers is related to Groundhog Day is a question I cannot answer (…groundhog sausage?), but coupled with the 24-hour showing of Groundhog Day with Bill Murray, the Pub won my vote for best festivities.