The last few days at Vanderbilt were a whirlwind of studying for my last final, taking said final (finance, not fun for an engineer like me), plenty of goodbye meals, last minute packing, and just general reminiscing on a great year.
I hate goodbyes, so it was a sad few days. As a sophomore, most people study abroad during their junior year, and I knew several people studying abroad in the fall and I hope to go abroad in the spring, so I won’t see them for over a year. I also took the chance to eat a few of the crazy desserts on campus, like the brownie ice cream entree at the pub, and I savored my last warm chocolate chip cookie in Rand. But mostly, I will miss the people, plenty of whom I’ve become friends with this year. I will miss our adventures and living so close to all my friends.
Friday night I went to dinner at the delicious Bombay Palace with my friends on my floor. It was so much fun to eat Indian food and treasure our last moments together for close to four months. I also love hearing what my friends are doing this summer because they always have such awesome plans. I have friends going all over the world from France to Nicaragua, but I also know plenty of people who will be home doing research or just chilling. Either way I will certainly miss everyone and I can’t wait for August to come!