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Nov. 29, 2019—Probably one of my favorite things at Vanderbilt is that we get a week-long Thanksgiving Break! At this point in the semester, I know I’m almost on the verge of burning out and this break always comes at a much needed time to (mostly) relax for an entire week and spend time with family and...

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Thankful for Thanksgiving

Nov. 30, 2014—A few things I'm thankful for this Thanksgiving...

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Why I am Thankful for VU

Nov. 30, 2013—Although I spend Thanksgiving with my family in Miami Beach each year, I always take some time to reflect on all of the amazing opportunities which I have been afforded over the past three and a half years at Vanderbilt. First, I would like to thank Vanderbilt for renovating Alumni Hall. Now, I can get...

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Nov. 29, 2013—A couple of weeks ago, the fearless leaders of Inside ‘Dores asked us to tweet, Instagram, etc. what we’re thankful for and use the hashtag #VUthankful.  While sadly I did not quite accomplish this before Thanksgiving was over, I’d like to take this opportunity (much as Eileen and Victoria did) to show you some Instagrams...

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It’s always fun to give thanks

Nov. 25, 2012—This past week was Thanksgiving break and I had a totally awesome time even though I wasn’t able to go home! That is one of the pitfalls of being an international student—since you live so far away, it is difficult to see your family during short-term breaks like Thanksgiving. But, that means that you can go home with friends (or in my case, my boyfriend) and get to experience the fun that is Thanksgiving in a different setting...

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