It’s All Over. How I Survived Finals.
Dec. 13, 2012—Today, I am coming to you from my kitchen table in warm and sunny Miami Beach. I'm sorry to brag, but nothing compares to the euphoria of finishing finals each semester. If I'm being honest, here, I will say that this semester my finals weren't actually that bad. But either way, finals are finals and I lived to tell the tale.
Study Spots
Dec. 2, 2012—As an engineering student, I spend a lot of my time studying. One of the things I do to try to maintain productivity is move around campus and study in a bunch of different places.
How to Survive Finals
Nov. 30, 2012—In exactly a week from now, I will be finished with classes and preparing for finals. Finals are stressful, and they require extensive amounts of studying. However, there are a few perks on Vanderbilt’s campus that make finals week not so awful.
Guest Lecturer
Oct. 23, 2012—Today, in Rhetoric of the American Experience 1865-1945, we had a guest lecturer. Professor J. Michael Hogan, from Pennsylvania State University came to talk to our class about rhetoric and the Progressive era. Then, I also attended a talk that he gave later in the afternoon to the entire Communication Studies department.
Dinner and Downton
Oct. 22, 2012—A few nights ago, fellow blogger Victoria and I took a couple of hours out of the the madness that is our schedules to just relax, make dinner, and watch some Downton Abbey.
YOLLO- You Only Live in London Once
Oct. 9, 2012—I’m finally settled in London, y’all! My class schedule has been approved, I’ve visited most of the touristy sites, and I’ve even joined a sports team (bet you’ll never guess which one).
To Study or Not to Study: that is THE question…
Sep. 17, 2012— It was the last weekend of Shakespeare in the Park and I REALLY wanted to go. But, with my big biology exam coming up the next week, and two more exams, two quizzes and a large project, it wasn't actually an option.
Enriching a Course
Sep. 12, 2012—Today, I was officially approved to enrich a course. Enriching a course is the College of Arts and Science is only available to College Scholars, a title that I was luckily enough to earn with my acceptance to Vanderbilt. We have the unique opportunity to graduate with honors in the College of Arts and Sciences, which is similar to graduating with honors in your major.
My Fall Schedule
Aug. 27, 2012—As the drop/ add period is finally coming to a close, my schedule is officially set. I am currently enrolled in fifteen hours and ZERO labs. This is a first for me, so I am actually planning on using my free afternoons researching in a lab in the medical center (more on that, later).
“If I knew then what I know now…”
Aug. 20, 2012—Today, I partook in a first-year orientation panel themed “If I knew then what I know now…” Dr. Karen Campell, one of the Deans of Undergraduate Education invited several upperclassmen to give 1-2 suggestions to the first-years and then participate in a Q&A session.